
Praise be to God, the Bestower

الحمد لله الذي أفضلا

1. Praise be to God, the Bestower
Of the blessings He has bestowed upon His creation

١. الحمد لله الذي أفضلا
بما به أنعم في خلقهِ

2. Bounty and favor are from Him
Upon His disobedient servants among His creatures

٢. فالجودُ و الأفضال منه على
عبادِه العاصين من خلقه

3. The knowledgeable know Him through
The gnostic's understanding and discernment

٣. يعلمه العالمُ من أوجه
معرفة العارفِ من أفقه

4. And all who delve into His knowledge
See that from His right

٤. وكلُّ من يهبط في علمه
به يرى ذلك من حقِّه

5. The Comprehensor of all, a lowly one through Him
The Merciful included him in His right

٥. وجامعُ الكلِّ حضيضٌ به
أدرجه الرحمن في حقِّه

6. So whatever rulings proceed from Him
They proceed as He has disposed

٦. فكلُّ ما يجري من أحكامه
فإنها تجري على وفقه

7. He will gather the scholars on the Day of Resurrection
To question the Truthful about his truthfulness

٧. قد جمعَ العالم في حشره
ليسأل الصادقَ عن صدقه

8. If they repeat it back to Him they are
Of those who see the dawn from its daybreak

٨. فإن أعادوه عليه فهم
ممن يري الإشراق من شرقه

9. Or if they claim rights for themselves
The claimant speaks the truth in his claim

٩. أو ادَّعوا فيه لأعيانهم
والمدَّعي يصدقُ في نطقه

10. And all of them speak truthfully in their state
And all eat of His provision

١٠. وكلهم يصدقُ في حاله
وكلهم يأكل من رزقِه

11. None of them has attained the whole
Rather, all of them are dependent on Him

١١. ما حاز منهم أحدٌ كله
بلْ كلهم منه على شقِّه

12. The species is in the full moon, its sun
Its stars, and the seasons in its lightning

١٢. الجنسُ في البدرِ وفي شمسه
ونجمه والفصلُ في برقه

13. None knows the Truth but the drinker
Who sees Him in serenity and in turmoil

١٣. ما يعرفُ الحقَّ سوى شارب
يراه في الصفو وفي رتقه

14. The scholars will know Him on the Day they stand
On the day the people stand through His gentleness

١٤. يعرفه العالم في حشرهم
يومَ وقوفِ الناس من رفقه