1. I was content with the gardens' satisfaction as a dwelling and halt
For in it there is pasture, and in it a resting place
١. رَضيتُ بِرَضوى رَوضَةً وَمُناخا
فَإِنَّ بِهِ مَرعىً وَفيهِ نُفاخا
2. Maybe the people of my love will hear of its fertility
And take it as a square and a halt
٢. عَسى أَهلُ وُدّي يَسمَعونَ بِخِصبِهِ
فَيَتَّخِذوهُ مَربَعاً وَمُناخا
3. For we have a heart attached to them
When the announcer calls to them, shouting
٣. فَإِنَّ لَنا قَلباً بِهِنَّ مُعَلَّقاً
إِذا ما حَدا الحادي بِهِنَّ أَصاخا
4. And if they call each other to depart and hasten
You would hear behind the riders a cry
٤. وَإِن هُم تَنادَوا لِلَّرَحيلِ وَفَوَّزوا
سَمِعتَ لَهُ خَلفَ الرِكابِ صُراخا
5. So if they head for Al-Zawra, their way is ahead of them
And if they intend Al-Jarfa, then a halt
٥. فَإِن قَصَدوا الزَوراءَ كانَ أَمامَهُم
وَإِن يَمَّموا الجَرعاءَ ثُمَّ أَناخا
6. The birds are only where they camped and settled
For it has in their neighborhood fledglings
٦. فَما الطَيرُ إِلّا حَيثُ كانوا وَخَيَّموا
فَإِنَّ لَهُ في حَيِّهِنَّ فِراخا
7. Fear for me battles fear for their sake
And neither retreats from its mate
٧. تَحارَبَ خَوفٌ لي وَخَوفٌ مِن أَجلِها
وَما واحِدٌ عَن قِرنِهِ يَتَراخا
8. When their necklaces snatch our sights
The sound of panting is deafened to their sake
٨. إِذا خَطَفَت أَبصارَنا سُبُحاتُها
أَصَمَّ لَها صَوتُ الشَهيقِ صِماخا