
Existence is the existence of your Lord, do not say

إن الوجود وجود ربك لا تقل

1. Existence is the existence of your Lord, do not say
In what you see of existence in its entirety

١. إن الوجودَ وجودَ ربك لا تقل
فيما تراه من الوجودِ برمتهْ

2. Creation, for that creation in its realities
And divide it, so the correct knowledge is in its division

٢. خلقاً فذاك الخلقُ في أعيانها
واقسمه فالعلم الصحيح بقسمتهْ

3. If you divide His existence
A correct division, its breeze is from its division

٣. هبت عليك إذا قسمتَ وجودَه
قسماً صحيحاً نفحته من قسمته

4. I am not superior to any nation that
Emerged for us because of any person, I am from his nation

٤. أنا لا فضل أمّة خرجتْ لنا
من أجل شخصٍ إنني من أمَّته

5. When all the ranks were divided
The investigation showed you the correctness of its division

٥. لما تقسمتِ المراتبُ كلها
أبدى لك التحقيقُ صحةَ قسمته

6. The day peeled for the eye of every investigator
A peel whose light shines from its darkness

٦. سلخ النهار لعينِ كلِّ محققٍ
سلخاً يشعشعُ نورَه من ظلمته

7. He showed it to sights after its veil
And the night is covered with the essence of His wisdom

٧. أبداه للأبصار بعد حجابه
والليلُ مستورٌ بخالصِ حكمته

8. Whoever He gathered, He gave everything hidden
To him from knowledge, an unveiling for him in his gathering

٨. من ضمه أعطاه كلَّ مكتم
من علمه كشفاً له في ضمته

9. The accursed thought, they believed what he thought
About them, so the Merciful met him with His mercy

٩. ظن اللعينُ قصدَّقوا ما ظنه
فيهم فقابله الرحيم برحمته

10. Except a few, as they were strengthened by what
They thanked when He granted them from His bounty

١٠. إلا القليلُ فإنهم عضموا بما
شكروا لما أولاهمُ من نعمته

11. So for that God increased them with more hands
And singled out the ungrateful from the blessing with His vengeance

١١. فلذاك زادهم الإله أيادياً
واختص من كفرِ النعيم بنقمته

12. So when the obedient servant fulfills his covenant
With God, God stands for him with His sanctity

١٢. فإذا وفي العبد المطيع بعهده
لله قامَ له الإله بحرمته

13. If not for the lies, I would not have known an investigator
The honor of the one God distinguished with His protection

١٣. لولا الكذوب لما علمت محققاً
شرف الذي خص الإله بعصمته

14. Like the prophets and those who followed their course
From the inheritors who believed it from His judgment

١٤. كالأنبياءِ ومن جرى مجراهمُ
من وارثٍ أمنوا بها من فصمته

15. Whoever knows what I have said worries
Because of my words and his salvation in his worry

١٥. يغتم من يدري الذي قد قلته
لمقالتي ونجاته في غمتهْ

16. And is anxious about me, so his dragon
Turns it away from me, so his worry turns from his worry

١٦. وبهمّ بي فيردّه تنينه
عني فيرجع همه عن همته

17. The universe is a dome that has covered
The head of existence, and we are inside its covering

١٧. الكون كور عمامة عمَّتْ به
رأسَ الوجودِ ونحن داخلَ عمته

18. So look and see what we are in, as it is
Knowledge that is difficult to obtain, so acquire it for its significance

١٨. فانظر تر ما نحن فيه فإنه
علم يعزُّ فحصلّوه لبهمته

19. Anxiety that obtains it and knows that he
Although he has obtained it in his anxiety

١٩. نهمٌ يحصله ويعلمُ أنه
مع أنه قد حازه في نهمته

20. A thirsty one with an open mouth does not quench
One quenched does not complain of generosity for his valour

٢٠. لا يرتوي ظمئانٌ فاهُ فاغرٌ
ريانُ لا يشكو الجواد لحشمته

21. Existence for one who realizes His knowledge
Is a taste which you see its elders in its banner

٢١. إن الوجودَ لمن تحقق علمُه
ذوقٌ ترى أشياخه في علمته

22. The disposition became healthy, so their acceptance became healthy
With knowledge according to its leader and by its worth

٢٢. صحَّ المزاجُ فصحَّ منه قبولهم
علماً بقدر إمامه وبقيمته