
The son of Thabit, of whom I am proud

قال ابن ثابت الذي فخرت به

1. The son of Thabit, of whom I am proud
The elite of poetry and the genesis of verse

١. قال ابنُ ثابت الذي فخرتْ به
فقرُالكلامِ ونشأةُ الأشعار

2. My eyes were captivated by their beauty and shrines
So my reliance and aspirations are upon tears

٢. شغف السهادُ بمقلتي ومزاري
فعلى الدموعِ معوَّلي ومشاري

3. Thus I made its rhyme the letter 'r'
Which is among the letters of repetition

٣. فلذا جعلتُ رويه الراء التي
هي من حروف الردِّ والتكرار

4. So I say, beginning in obedience to Ahmed
In praise of excellent and noble people

٤. فأقولُ مبتدئاً لطاعة أحمد
في مدح قومٍ سادةٍ أخيار

5. I am a man among the Ansar
So if I praise them, I praise my carpenters

٥. إني امرؤ من جملة الأنصار
فإذا مدحتهمُ مدحتُ نجاري

6. By their swords guidance stood tall and by them
Its lights became elevated on every minaret

٦. لسيوفهم قام الهدى وعلتْ بهم
أنواره في رأس كلِّ منارِ

7. They supported the victory of the Hashimite Muhammad
The Chosen One, the Elect of the Elect

٧. فاموا بنصر الهاشميّ محمدٍ
ألمصطفى المختارِ من مختار

8. They accompanied the Prophet with purpose and determination
And thereby won praiseworthy traces

٨. صحبوا النبيّ بنيةٍ وعزائم
فازوا بهنَّ حميدة الآثار

9. They sold their souls to champion His religion
And that is why they accompanied Him with sacrifice

٩. باعوا نفوسهمُ لنصرةِ دينه
ولذاك ما صحبوه بالإيثار

10. The Chosen One gave them the appellation ‘The Trusted One’
Who comes to him from the right with destinies

١٠. لهمُ كنى المختار بالنفس الذي
يأتيه من يمن مع الأقدار

11. Sa’d, the scion of Ubadah, I take pride in him
On the day of Saqifah, the leader of the Helpers

١١. سعد سليل عبادة فخرت به
يومَ السقيفةِ جملةُ الأنصار

12. For God there are lions against every calamity
That has befallen the religion of God and the righteous

١٢. لله آسادٌ لكلِّ كريهةٍ
نزلتْ بدينِ الله والأبرار

13. They empowered the religion of God by empowering it
The religion of guidance by the great army

١٣. عزوا بدين الله في إعزازهم
دين الهدى بالعسكر الجرّار

14. Through them my spectacle will be raised on Judgement Day
And through them my pride will be seen at the Fountain

١٤. فيهم علا يوم القيامةِ مشهدي
وبهم يرى عند الورود فخاري

15. If I were to string words as necklaces
In praise of them, I would not be excessive

١٥. لو أنني صغتُ الكلامَ قلائداً
في مدحهم ما كنت بالمكثار

16. The Prophet’s father-in-law and the messenger’s companion-in-arms
Whom his enemies tried with betrayal

١٦. كرش النبي وعيبة لرسوله
لحقت به أعداؤه بتبار

17. Ascetic monks by night who read His word
Lions absent in battle by day

١٧. رُهبان ليلٍ يقرأونَ كلامه
آساد غابٍ في الوغَى بنهار