1. When I mention God in the dusk of night
The body's dusk when dawn first appears
١. إذا ما ذكرت الله في غسق الدجى
دُجى الجسمِ لو عند الصباحِ إذا بدا
2. Dawn when the body comes alive
It is the soul but with a sluggish disposition
٢. صباحُ الذي يحيى به الجسم عندما
هو الروح لكن بالمزاجِ تبلَّدا
3. So it doesn't take things from itself
But with instruments through which its secret was guided
٣. فلا يأخذِ الأشياء من غير نفسه
ولكن بآلاتٍ بها سرُّه اهتدى
4. So it became poor after having been wealthy
And became a slave after having been a master
٤. فأمسى فقيراً بعد أن كان ذا غنى
وأصبح عبداً بعد أن كان سيِّدا
5. It had made him a generous, pure soul
So he became a vulgar, embodied wind
٥. لقد خلته رُوحاً كريماً منزهاً
فأصبح ريحاً عنصرياً مُجسَّدا
6. And he was a companion to the supreme elders
With a seat of truth, supporting souls
٦. وكان جليساً للخضارمةِ العُلى
بمقعد صدقٍ للنفوسِ مؤيدا
7. He had in them dignity and awe
But when he wore the earthly body he disputed
٧. لقد كان فيهم ذا وقارٍ وهيبةٍ
فلما ارتدى الجسمَ الترابيّ ألحدا
8. And it flowed for him a river of delicious wine
But when he tasted a sip of it, he was confused
٨. وأجرى له نهراً من الخمر سائغاً
فلما تحسي شربةً منه عربدا
9. And he had above the heavens a scene
But when he saw the lowly earth he settled
٩. وكان له فوق السموات مشهدٌ
فلما رأى الأرض الأريضة أخلدا
10. And when the revelation came to him, he would prostrate
He used to be described and became descriptive
١٠. وكان لما يلقاه بالذاتِ قائلاً
وكان إذا ما جاءه الوحي أسجدا
11. Just as he had an intention and became intended
As he had a promised attained from Him
١١. وقد كان موصوفاً فأصبح واصفاً
كما كان ذا قصدٍ فأصبح مَقصدا
12. He became, in what is attained from Him, a unifier
And in the world of distance I saw
١٢. كما كان فيما نال منه موعدا
فأصبح فيما نيل منه موحدا
13. I saw for him in the presence of nearness a seat
And when He manifested from those manifested by His attributes
١٣. وفي عالم البعدِ الذي قد رأيته
رأيت له في حضرةِ القربِ مقعدا
14. I saw them bow down crying and prostrate
And a revelation from God came to them unconscious
١٤. ولما تجلّى من تجلى بنعتهم
رأيتهمُ خرّوا بكياً وسجّدا
15. So when they regained consciousness I said what happened
There afflicted them in the state of their essence
١٥. وأصعقهم وحيٌ من الله جاءهم
فلما أفاقوا قلت ماذا فقال دا
16. And the perfumer will not fix what time has corrupted
So I said did you recognize me among their convoy
١٦. أصابهم في حالِ نشأةِ ذاتهم
ولن يصلحَ العطارُ ما الدهر أفسدا
17. He said does a servant become blackened
I made you in the land of My creation My deputy
١٧. فقلت وهل ميزتني في رعيلهم
فقال وهل عبدٌ يصير مسوَّدا
18. And clothed in prestige whoever called upon you and sought refuge
And I made my angels prostrate, and they were
١٨. جعلتكمُ في أرض كوني خليفةً
وأبلست من ناداك فيها وفندا
19. Leaders of your lofty position, so you became a place of worship
I forbade you from something yet you approached it and did not
١٩. وأسجدتُ أملاكي وكانوا أئمة
لرتبتك العليا فأمسيت معبدا
20. Find in yourself resolve when we saw what appeared from you
And you stood for them with a clear excuse
٢٠. نهيتك عن أمر فقاربته ولم
نجد لك عزماً إذ نرى منك ما بدا
21. I settled for you an eternal, settled abode
As He said who seduced you, not knowing
٢١. وقمت لكم فيه بعذر مُبين
بوّئت داراً خالداً ومخلدا
22. What He said when He said a steady saying
And he passed with loss to his essence's creation
٢٢. كما قال من أغواكمُ غير عالم
بما قاله إذ قال قولاً مسددا
23. The treasures of a lamp in darkness ignited
It illuminates vision and burns itself
٢٣. ومار بخسران إلى أصل فلقه
كنوز سراج في ظلام توقَّدا
24. By a divine command that came to it but did not transgress
٢٤. يضيء لإبصارٍ ويحرقُ ذاته
عن أمر إلهي أتاه فما اعتدى