
If the Generous God knew my innermost being

إذا علم الله الكريم سريرتي

1. If the Generous God knew my innermost being,
Then I care not what others think, should they scorn me.

١. إذا علم الله الكريم سريرتي
فلستُ أُبالي من سواه إذا سخطْ

2. My station with the Guardian is assured,
So I care not who today draws near or turns away.

٢. وقد صح عندي منزلي من مهيمني
فلست أُبالي من دنا اليوم أو شحط

3. Wondrous is the knower who claims
He hopes for love from God, but does not act cleanly.

٣. فيا عجباً من عارفٍ قال إنه
تولَّع حباً بالإله ولم يمطِ

4. He has turned from his Lord and his thoughts about us
Have soured. When will he realize and correct his mistake?

٤. سوى ربّه عنه وساءتْ ظنونه
بنا فمتى تدركْه فيستدرك الغَلَط

5. Since my Intimate has shown me His hidden kindness,
The words of slanderers cannot make me slip.

٥. إذا كان من أبدى التخفي بجانبي
يغيره قول الوشاةِ فقد سقط

6. But my Lord has come to me, so I have come to Him
And said to my secret self, “You are the final end.”

٦. ولكنَّ ربي قد أتى فأتيته
وقلت لسرِّي حسبُك المنتهى فقط

7. Do not heed those who think ill of us. Do not
Turn to them. Overlook disgraceful excess.

٧. ولا تلتفت مَن ظنَّ سوءاً بنا ولا
تعرِّج عليه واعف عن سيءٍ فرط