
None has brought the like of my words

لم يأت غيري بمثل قولي

1. None has brought the like of my words,
For all I have said of it, I have said it.

١. لم يأتِ غيري بمثل قولي
فكلُّ ما قلت عنه قلته

2. Nay, it is the very essence of my existence,
Wherever it was, there I was.

٢. لا بل هو العينُ من وجودي
فحيثُ ما كان ثم كنتهْ

3. In truth, there is naught in existence
Except what mine eyes see when they regard it.

٣. حقاً فما في الوجود غير
تراه عيني إذا شهدته

4. By God, were it not for existence, were it not
For creation's ignorance of what I intended.

٤. والله لولا وجود لولا
ما جهل الخلق ما أردته