
At the pass between the two flashes is the tryst,

بالجزع بين الأبرقين الموعد

1. At the pass between the two flashes is the tryst,
So pitch our tents for here is the halting-place.

١. بِالجِزعِ بَينَ الأَبرَقَينِ المَوعِدُ
فَأَنِخ رَكائِبَنا فَهذا المَورِدُ

2. Seek it not hereafter nor wander from it,
O rover or lightning flash or meteor.

٢. لا تَطلُبَنَّ وَلا تُغادي بَعدَهُ
يا حاجِرٌ يا بارِقٌ يا ثَهمَدُ

3. And sport as gazelles once frolicked there,
And browse as the antelopes freely grazed.

٣. وَالعَب كَما لَعِبَت أَوانِسُ نُهَّدٌ
وَاِرتَع كَما رَتَعَت ظِباءٌ شُرَّدُ

4. In a meadow, whose nightingales rejoiced,
Their howling answered by a singer.

٤. في رَوضَةٍ غَنّاءَ صاحَ ذِئابُها
فَأَجابَهُ طَرَباً هُناكَ مُغَرَّدُ

5. Soft are its margins, gentle is its breeze,
The clouds give lightning, thunder rumbles loud,

٥. رَقَّت حَواشيها وَرَقَّ نَسيمُها
فَالغَيمُ يَبرُقُ وَالغَمامَةُ تَرعُدُ

6. And rain descends through the rifts in clouds
Like tears shed copiously at parting.

٦. وَالوَدقُ يَنزِلُ مِن خِلالِ سَحابِهِ
كَدُموعِ صَبٍّ لِلفِراقِ تَبَدَّدُ

7. Drink the wine of its goblet in its tavern
And delight in the singing voice chanting there.

٧. وَاِشرَب سُلافَةَ خَمرِها بِخِمارِها
وَاِطرَب عَلى غَرِدٍ هُنالِكَ يُنشِدُ

8. A relic of the days of Adam has related
Tales of the paradise house that once stood.

٨. وَسُلافَةٌ مِن عَهدِ آدَمَ أَخبَرَت
عَن جَنَّةِ المَأوى حَديثاً يُسنَدُ

9. Verily, its charm once spat from its saliva
As musk - on us the beetle showered this boon.

٩. إِنَّ الحِسانَ تَفَلنَها مِن ريقِهِ
كَالمِسكِ جادَ بِها عَلَينا الخُرَّدُ