1. Is there a way to the beautiful flowers?
Is there someone to guide me to their trail?
١. أَلا هَل إِلى الزُهرِ الحِسانِ سَبيلُ
وَهَل لي عَلى آثارِهِنَّ دَليلُ
2. Is there a tent for me among the encampments of bliss?
Is there a place for me in the shade of the groves?
٢. وَهَل لي بِخَيماتِ اللِوى مِن مَعَرَّسٍ
وَهَل لِيَ في ظِلِّ الأَراكِ مَقيلُ
3. The tongue of my state says it yearns
For that to which there is no way.
٣. فَقالَ لِسانُ الحالِ يُخبِرُ أَنَّها
تَقولُ تَمَنَّ ما إِلَيهِ سَبيلُ
4. My love for you is true, O ultimate wish,
And for that love my heart is sick.
٤. وَدادي صَحيحٌ فيكِ يا غايَةَ المُنى
وَقَلبِيَ مِن ذاكَ الوَدادِ عَليلُ
5. You rose like the full moon over the celestial pole
With no setting after your rising.
٥. تَعالَيتَ مِن بَدرٍ عَلى القُطبِ طالِعٍ
وَلَيسَ لَهُ بَعدَ الطُلوعِ أُفولُ
6. I ransom you, O peerless in beauty and grace,
None can equal you among the beautiful.
٦. فَديتُكَ يا مَن عَزَّ حُسناً وَنَخوَةً
فَلَيسَ لَهُ بَينَ الحِسانِ عَديلُ
7. Your meadow is verdant, your roses in bloom,
Your beauty desired, to it hearts incline.
٧. فَرَوضُكَ مَطلولٌ وَوَردُكَ يانِعٌ
وَحُسنُكَ مَعشوقٌ عَلَيهِ قُبولُ
8. Your blossoms are smiling, your branches supple,
Souls sway toward them whichever way they lean.
٨. وَزَهرُكَ بَسّامٌ وَغُصنُكَ ناعِمٌ
تَميلُ لَهُ الأَرواحُ حَيثُ يَميلُ
9. Your figure is charming, your glance is piercing,
With it the knight of afflictions against me charges.
٩. وَظَرفُكَ فَتّانٌ وَطَرفُكَ صارِمٌ
بِهِ فارِسُ البَلوى عَلَيَّ يَصولُ