
A maid of ours has donned

لبست جارية من يدنا

1. A maid of ours has donned
A rag with which she attained the height of perfection.

١. لبستْ جاريةٌ من يدنا
خرقةً نالت بها عينَ الكمالِ

2. A religious, transcendent rag
She has attached to the stations of men.

٢. خرقةً دينيةً عُلوية
ألحقتْها بمقاماتِ الرجالِ

3. And thus has God clothed her
In a robe of dignity, acceptance, and beauty,

٣. وكذاك الله قد ألبسها
ثوبَ عزٍّ وقبولٍ وجَمالِ

4. And splendor, glory, and brilliance,
And balance, radiance, and majesty.

٤. وضياءٍ وسناءٍ وسنا
واعتدالٍ وبَهاءٍ وجلالِ

5. Whenever I look upon her, she takes me away
From all I see of the charm of curves and allure.

٥. كلَّما أبصرتُها غيَّبني
ما أرى من حسن دَلٍّ ودلالِ

6. May God preserve her vow
And ours to guard her through the long nights.

٦. حَفِظَ الله عليها عهدها
وعلينا حفظُها طولَ الليالي