
When Truth came to me at night conversing,

ولما أتاني الحق ليلا مكلما

1. When Truth came to me at night conversing,
Showing me humility through struggle,

١. ولما أتاني الحقُّ ليلاً مكلماً
كفاحاً وأبداه لعيني التواضعُ

2. And suckled me on the breast of existence in realization,
I was not weaned, nor was I suckling,

٢. وأرضعني ثدي الوجودِ تحققاً
فما أنا مفطومٌ ولا أنا راضعُ

3. I did not kill the Copt, but warned him
With my knowledge, so places were not confined for me,

٣. ولم أقتل القبطيّ لكنْ زجرتُه
بعلمي فلم تعسر عليَّ المواضع

4. And I did not slaughter children out of tyranny,
Nor did a wicked one come with my severity, uplifted,

٤. وما ذبح الأبناء من أجلِ سطوتي
ولا جاء شرّير ببطشي رافع

5. I was as Moses, except I am a mercy,
To my people, so sucklings were not forbidden me,

٥. فكنت كموسى غير أني رحمة
لقومي فلم تحرمُ عليَّ المراضع

6. I hinted at matters - if their affair were realized,
Useful knowledge with your Lord would appear to you.

٦. لغزتُ أموراً إن تحققت أمرها
بدا لك علمٌ عند رَبِّك نافع