1. When a servant despairs of God, having seen
Blessings bestowed on the unfaithful,
١. إذا غار عبدٌ للإله وقد رأى
من الله انعاماً لمن هو كافرُ
2. Despite his complaints, God knows his affairs well,
And God does no injustice in His intentions for His servant.
٢. على رغمه والله يعلمُ أمره
وما الله فيما يقصدُ العبدُ جائر
3. When customs veil understanding, their rule
Flows unchecked though truth stays hidden.
٣. وتحجبه العاداتُ إذ كان حكمها
على بابه يجري وما الحقُّ ظاهر
4. So God punishes him with a lonely grave
In foreign lands, day and night, while the Almighty conceals him.
٤. يعاقبه بالقبر في أرضِ غُربة
نهاراً وليلاً والمهيمن ساتر