
Whoever seeks religion through theology

من طلب الدين بالكلام

1. Whoever seeks religion through theology
Is an atheist, according to Islamic law and peace

١. من طلبَ الدينَ بالكلامِ
زندقه الشرعُ والسلامُ

2. So turn to Islamic law, do not increase it
For all of it is forbidden

٢. فاعدل إلى الشرعِ لا تزده
فإنه كله حرام

3. Surely the science of theology is ignorance
Thrown by the state and status

٣. فإنَّ علمَ الكلامِ جهلٌ
يرمي به الحالُ والمقامُ

4. Religion is none other than what my Lord said
Or what the Master Imam said

٤. ما الدينُ إلا ما قال ربي
أو قاله السيِّد الإمام

5. His Messenger, the Chosen One, hoped for
Upon him be God's peace and blessings

٥. رسوله المصطفى المرجّى
عليه من ربِّه السَّلام