
My occupation is with He who spread out the occupation for me

شغلي بمن شرع لي

1. My occupation is with He who spread out the occupation for me
So I became confused by it

١. شغلي بمن شرَّع لي الش
غل به فحيرا

2. He addressed me saying that I am His servant
And we do not see any witness for His eye except blindness and effects

٢. خاطبني بأنني
عبدٌله وما نرى

3. And He said to me that what you see has appeared
Only because of You, O Lord of the world, otherwise I would only be like the world

٣. لعينه من شاهد
إلا العمى والأثرا

4. Like the one who said to us, recovering from sickness
Our inheritance from Ahmed, the best of creation and the world

٤. وقال لي إن الذي
تراه قد ظهرا

5. The best imam, pure, descendant of honored lineages
May God send prayers upon him, from a caliph who has appeared

٥. لولاك يا ربَّ الورى
ما كنت إلا الورى

6. With all that his Lord hoped for him
That he took pride in

٦. مثل الذي قال لنا
من صحة قد انبرى

7. Because he is a servant and it is not for the servant to take pride
Except in Him who created him as His servant, so he became famous

٧. ميراثنا من أحمد
خير الأنام والورى

8. It is I who said "I" so we knew for certain
If I had said "I" referring to Him, we would have seen a lesson

٨. خير إمام طاهر
سليل أعراف الثرى

9. So praise and increase thanking Him
It will increase for you what you remembered

٩. صلى عليه الله من
خليفةٍ قد ظهرا

10. In the perfect Remembrance He told us
That the thankful, if he thanks, will be thanked

١٠. بكلِّ ما أمله
من ربه ما افتخرا

١١. لأنه عبدٌ وما
للعبد ان يفتخرا

١٢. إلا بمن كوّنه
عبداً له فاشتهرا

١٣. أنا الذي قلتُ أنا
لذا يقينا خبرا

١٤. لو أنني قلت أنا
به رأينا عبرا

١٥. فاحمد وزد في شكره
يزدكمُ ما ذكرا

١٦. في محكمِ الذكر لنا
لشاكر إن شكرا