
Whenever they packed their bags and left Buzaala,

ما رحلوا بانوا البزل العيسا

1. Whenever they packed their bags and left Buzaala,
They would surely take with them doves.

١. ما رَحَّلوا بانوا البُزَّلَ العيسا
إِلّا وَقَد حَمَلوا فيها الطَواويسا

2. With glances that enchant, each a queen,
You'd think them throned above a galaxy of pearls.

٢. مِن كُلِّ فاتِكَةِ الأَلحاظِ مالِكَةٍ
تَخالُها فَوقَ عَرشِ الدُرِّ بِلقيسا

3. When she walks on glass palaces you see
A sun orbiting, in the hand of Idris, a sphere.

٣. إِذا تَمَشَّت عَلى صَرحِ الزُجاجِ تَرى
شَمساً عَلى فَلَكٍ في حِجرِ إِدريسا

4. Her gaze, if it killed, its eloquence
Would revive, as Jesus did, the dead with a mere breath.

٤. تُحيي إِذا قُتِلَت بِاللَحظِ مَنطِقَها
كَأَنَّها عِندَما تُحيي بِهِ عيسى

5. Her Torah is the tablets of her legs, and I
Recite and study them as if I were Moses.

٥. تَوراتُها لَوحُ ساقَيها سَناً وَأَنا
أَتلو وَأَدرُسُها كَأَنَّني موسى

6. Bishops of Rome's girls are unemployed;
You'd see halos of light around them.

٦. أُسقُفَّةٌ مِن بَناتِ الرومِ عاطِلَةٌ
تَرى عَلَيها مِنَ الأَنوارِ ناموسا

7. And a lonely woman who has no company has made
Her private room a monastery for chanting God's name.

٧. وَحشِيَّةٌ ما بِها أُنسٌ قَد اِتَّخَذَت
في بَيتِ خَلوتِها لِلذِّكرِ ناووسا

8. She has confounded every scholar of our faith,
Davidic singers, rabbis, priests and bishops too.

٨. قَد أَعجَزَت كُلَّ عَلّامٍ بِمِلَّتِنا
وَداوُدِيّاً وَحِبراً ثُمَّ قِسّيسا

9. If she gestures, seeking the Bible, you'd suppose her
A Coptic pope or patriarch, a deacon.

٩. إِن أَومَأَت تَطلُبُ الإِنجيلَ تَحسَبُها
أَقِسَّةً أَو بَطاريقاً شَماميسا

10. As she packed her camel's bags for Baniin,
"O guide," I cried, "do not take her to Buzaala!"

١٠. نادَيتُ إِذ رَحَّلَت لِلبَنينَ ناقَتَها
يا حادِيَ العيسِ لا تَحدو بِها العيسا

11. I reined my steeds of patience the day they left,
Along the road, many times over.

١١. عَبَّيتُ أَجيادَ صَبري يَومَ بَينِهِمُ
عَلى الطَريقِ كَراديساً كَراديسا

12. When she reached the peak of my soul's desire,
I asked for that beauty, that charm, as solace.

١٢. سَأَلتُ إِذ بَلَغَت نَفسي تَراقِيَها
ذاكَ الجَمالَ وَذاكَ اللُطفَ تَنفيسا

13. She submitted, and God protected us from her evil,
As the King, the Helper, banished Iblis.

١٣. فَأَسلَمَت وَوَقانا اللَهُ شِرَّتَها
وَزَحزَحَ المَلِكُ المَنصورُ إِبليسا