1. With a greeting of peace, from the monastery near the sanctuary,
Gazelles show you the sun in the form of red wine.
١. بِذي سَلَمٍ وَالدَيرِ مِن حاضِرِ الحِمى
ظِباءَ تُريكَ الشَمسَ في صورَةَ الدُمى
2. So I observe the revolving heavens and serve in devotion,
And guard a garden in spring, thriving and teeming.
٢. فَأَرقُبُ أَفلاكاً وَأَخدُمُ بيعَةً
وَأَحرُسُ رَوضاً بِالرَبيعِ مُنَمنَما
3. For a time I’m called the shepherd of gazelles in the meadow,
And for a time I’m called a monk and astrologer.
٣. فَوَقتاً أُسَمّى راعِيَ الظَبيِ بِالفَلا
وَوَقتاً أُسَمّى راهِباً وَمُنَجِّما
4. My beloved has become threefold, though she was one,
As they made the idols, in their essence, idols.
٤. تَثَلَّثَ مَحبوبي وَقَد كانَ واحِداً
كَما صَيَّروا الأَقنامَ بِالذاتِ أُقنُما
5. So do not, my friend, deny the words of a gazelle
Who gives light to fawns wandering in the red meadow.
٥. فَلا تُنكِرَن يا صاحِ قَولي غَزالَةٍ
تُضيءُ لِغِزلانٍ يَطُفنَ عَلى الدُمى
6. For the gazelle there are meadows, for the sun there are faces,
And for the white idol, a breast and wrist.
٦. فَلِلظَّبيِ أَجياداً وَلِلشَمسِ أَوجُهاً
وَلِلدُّميَةِ البَيضاءِ صَدراً وَمِعصَما
7. Just as we have given the branches clothes,
And to the garden, dispositions, and to lightning, a smile.
٧. كَما قَد أَعَرنا لِلغُصونِ مَلابِساً
وَلِلرَّوضِ أَخلاقاً وَلِلبَرقِ مَبسِما