
It is not surprising that someone woke up and called out,

ليس التعجب من شخص وعى فدعا

1. It is not surprising that someone woke up and called out,
Rather, it is surprising that someone woke up and listened.

١. ليس التعجبُ من شخص وعى فدعا
إنَّ التعجبَ من شخصٍ وعى فسمع

2. When he responds we know he is a man,
For inviting the one who called him out of greed.

٢. إذا أجابَ علمنا أنه رجُل
لما دعا ضامناً لمن دعاه طمع

3. So say to him, what is it that you heard from him that is little?
What I said is that he has a flash of lightning in him that shined.

٣. فقل له ما الذي سمعت منه يقل
ما قلته إنه برقٌ لديه لمع