
Knowledge of God cannot be attained

العلم بالله لا ينال

1. Knowledge of God cannot be attained
Except through professing His Oneness

١. العلمُ بالله لا ينالُ
لكن بتوحيدِه يُنالُ

2. So whatever you see of this talk
Proving Him is simply prattle

٢. فما ترى فيه من كلامٍ
مبرهنٍ كلُّه مقالُ

3. So my friend, the intellect has no
Means of contemplating His Essence

٣. فليس للعقلِ يا خليلي
بالفكر في ذاته مجال

4. For He is One, Most High
With no likeness, nothing similar

٤. لأنه واحدٌ تعالى
ليس له في النهى مثال

5. Religiously, thinking of Him is prohibited
So contemplating His Essence is impossible

٥. قد حرم الفكر فيه شرعا
فالفكر في ذاته محال

6. Trying to fully grasp Him leads only
To recognizing one's incapacity

٦. غايته العجز إن تناهى
فعجزه ذلك الكمال

7. So whatever debates you see
Are nothing but misguidance

٧. فما ترى فيه من جدال
فإنه كله ضلال