
You have only said something, "Be," and it is

إنما قلت لشيء كن فكان

1. You have only said something, "Be," and it is
With the true word, not the saying of so-and-so

١. إنما قلتَ لشيءٍ كن فكان
بكلامِ الحقِّ لا قولِ فلانِ

2. The one who gave the excuse made it clear for us
With gestures and symbols in the statement

٢. مهد العذر لنا صاحبه
بإشاراتٍ ورمزٍ في بيانِ

3. Do not say it was from my ear, no
It was from "if" and "so that" being

٣. إنما كان عن أذني لا تقل
إنه كان عن إذا لكيان

4. God transcends in His creation
What you see from all the modern

٤. يتعالى الله في إيجاده
ما تراه من جميعِ الحدْثان

5. Without a partner other than what He affirmed
The judgment of possibility for a person of paradise

٥. عن شريكٍ غيرِ ما أثبته
حكمُ إمكانٍ لشخصٍ ذي جنان

6. God looked at him with a look
When he came to Him in an unseen cloud

٦. نظر الله إليه نظرةً
إذ أتاه في غمامٍ لا عيان

7. My talk was not about "was not"
Rather I mentioned it from "was" and "was"

٧. ما حديثي لم يكن عن لم يكن
إنما أورده عن كان وكان

8. In clear, eloquent language and writing
And elegant, well-constructed verses

٨. بلسانٍ ومقالٍ واضحٍ
ورقومٍ بيراعٍ وبنان

9. And so did God present it to us
In a book in the tongue of the translator

٩. وكذا أورده الله لنا
في كتابٍ بلسانِ الترجمان