1. I have become like the sons of Jacob when they entered
Upon the Chief Minister and said, "Harm has touched us"
١. أصبحتُ مثلَ بني يعقوب إذ دخلوا
على العزيز فقالوا مسَّنا الضررُ
2. And our family is with us; most of them
Have been touched by that which touched us; we have no guilt
٢. وأهلنا معنا قد مسَّ أكثرهم
مثل الذي مسَّنا منه ولا وزرُ
3. Indeed He who has accustomed us to His good deeds
Is the God whom people beseech
٣. إنَّ الذي بجميلِ الصنع عوَّدنا
هو الإله الذي تعنو له البشر
4. Indeed, if people become prideful and numerous
Their wealth, they are created with needs
٤. إنَّ الخلائقَ إنْ عزُّوا وإنْ كثرتْ
أموالهم هم على الحاجات قد فُطروا
5. So there is no richness except with the Merciful, so be content with Him
As a generous Lord; He is the intended, so remember
٥. فلا غنىّ سوى الرحمنِ فارضَ به
ربّا كريماً هو المقصودُ فادّكروا
6. He has decreed this for all people -
The law of God and what their minds have given them
٦. قضى بذلك عند الناسِ كلهمُ
شرع الإله وما أعطاهم النظر
7. We have gathered upon the oneness of our Sustainer
Without disagreement over what thought has given
٧. إنا جمعنا على توحيدِ رازِقنا
بلا خلافٍ على ما أعطتِ الفكر
8. And what confirms us has come in revelation from Him
So what the reports have verified is sound in reason
٨. وجاء في الوحي منه ما يصدقنا
فصحَّ في العقلِ ما قد صحح الخبرُ