1. By God, he cannot attain what I have attained,
Of knowledge, intimacy, and devotion.
١. والله لا ناله مما أنا سبَدٌ
من المعارفِ والزُّلفى ولا لَبدُ
2. Nor can he be of aid in anything that may happen to us,
Even if he who has lived it were to live again.
٢. ولا تعين في شيءٍ يكون لنا
ولو يعيش الذي قد عاشه لبدُ
3. God has a people, possessed of knowledge and wisdom,
Who respond to Him whenever He calls them.
٣. لله قومٌ لهم علمٌ ومعرفةٌ
وهم عليه إذا يدعوهمُ لبد
4. Though blind, their sights penetrate the Light,
Were they to witness what I witnessed, they would bear witness.
٤. عميٌ وأبصارهم بالنور ناظرةٌ
لو يشهدون الذي شهدته شهدوا
5. They do not bear witness though their realities stand firmly,
By direct vision from their Lord they bear witness.
٥. لا يشهدون وإن قامتْ حقائقهم
بهم معاينة من ربهم شهدوا
6. Verily those servants whom the Truth has eyed
For Himself and chosen - all of them worship.
٦. إن العبيد الذين الحق عينهم
لنفسه واصطفاهم كلهم عبدوا
7. His Majesty, persisting in worship of Him,
Even were He to reveal Himself plainly before their eyes they would worship.
٧. جلاله واستمروا في عبادته
ولو تجلى لهم في عينهم عبدوا
8. No hesitation occurs in any one of them that hesitates in Him,
Save for men who through themselves have worshipped Him.
٨. ولا تردّد فيه من تردّده
إلا رجال به من نفسهم عبدوا
9. For that He established them in creation with a station,
By which above all others in existence they worshipped.
٩. لذاك أنزلهم في الخلقِ منزلةً
بها على كل حال في الورى عبدوا
10. We have a beloved, pure of essence, in my eternity,
Which no soul contains, nor body,
١٠. لنا حبيبٌ نزيه الذاتِ في خلدي
وما تضمنه روحٌ ولا جسدُ
11. Because of whom exists in me that which they bear witness to,
Musk, brightness, imagination, and body.
١١. من أجله قام بي ما يشهدون به
المسك والندُّ والتخليقُ والجسد
12. And indeed when I look to reveal Him in the eye of the mystic in my essence, He has a body.
When what I was characterized with was manifested through me,
١٢. وإنني لتجليه إذا نظرت
عين المحققِ في ذاتي له جسد
13. For that the jealous arose against the knower of Him.
They came near to the Most Exalted Presence when its standards of their sincerity dawned,
١٣. لما تعين مني ما اتصفتُ به
لذاك قام بمن يدري به الحسد
14. The signs of their truthfulness from them - and they did not lag behind.
If the veils of foes enveloped them and those below them,
١٤. دنوا من الحضرةِ العلياء حين بدتْ
أعلام صدقهمُ منهم وما بعدوا
15. He kept them and lifts the veil - and they did not lag behind.
God has warriors, they have no number,
١٥. إن أسلدت حجب الأغيار ودونهمُ
أبقاهمُ ويرفعِ الستر قد بعدوا
16. Though His excellent names are the number.
The leader of their mighty army is their Master,
١٦. لله قومِ غزاةٌ ما لهم عددٌ
وإن أسماءَه الحسنى هي العدد
17. And they are many, their number cannot be counted.
If they support God, He supports them with His providence,
١٧. مقدَّم العسكر الجرّارِ سيدهم
وهم كثيرون لا يحصى لهم عدد
18. And from their thoughts comes aid to them.
Time went astray, so it did not succeed in counting them,
١٨. إن ينصروا الله ينصرهم بهمته
ومن خواطرهم ياتيهم المدد
19. Nor containing them - the aid did not cut them off.
When he who I thought was with me and my pillar
١٩. تاه الزمانُ فلم يظفر بحصرهم
وما حواهم فلم تقطعهم المدد
20. Turned on me, no pillar remained for me.
Whose excellent names were a strong pillar for me,
٢٠. لما تعرّض لي من كنت أحسبه
معي ومستندي لم يبق لي سند
21. Fortified in my ascent - the pillar was exalted.
٢١. من كان أسماؤه الحسنى له سنداً
معنعناً في ترقيه علا السند