
Arrogance is the cloak of those who prostrate to it

الكبرياء رداء من سجدت له

1. Arrogance is the cloak of those who prostrate to it
All the foreheads and the heavy burdens

١. الكبرياءُ رداءُ من سجدت له
كلُّ الجباه وسخَّرالأقيالا

2. You are the cloak, and your knowledge of who wore you
Is knowledge, so it does not accept problems

٢. أنت الردآء وعلمكم بمن ارتدى
علمٌ لذا لا يقبلُ الإشكالا

3. Describing the souls is their reward, and this came
The text of the Scripture, so they elaborated on the summary

٣. وصفُ النفوسِ جزاؤها وهذا أتى
نصُّ الكتابِ ففصَّلوا الإجمالا

4. And take, if you are reasonable in our words
God's description of what they see as appropriate

٤. ولتتخذ إنْ كنتَ تعقل قولنا
وصف الإله لما يرون مَجالا

5. Indeed, the statement is blind in itself
It did not increase him except blindness and misguidance

٥. إن البيانَ لذي عمى في نفسه
ما زاده إلاّ عمى وضلالا

6. If the one with healthy hearing knew my words
And my advice on its wisdom did not persist

٦. لو يدري ذو السمعِ السليمِ مقالتي
ونصيحتي عن حكمها ما زالا

7. And the dawn appeared to him like the rising sun
And saw its light dripping on it

٧. وبدتْ له كالشمسِ تشرق بالضحى
ورأى عليه نورها يتلالا

8. What will prove the treasure they find
The gnostics see that as impossible

٨. ما يصدق الكنز الذي يجدونه
العارفون يرون ذاك مُحالا

9. God has sealed the hearts of His servants
Lest they become arrogant and go astray

٩. ختم الإله على قلوبِ عبادِه
إنْ لا يكونوا كِبراً ضَلالا

10. And if they manifest their misguidance and arrogance
The knowledgeable see that as illusion

١٠. وإن أظهروا إضلالهم وتكبروا
فالعالمون يرون ذاك خَيالا

11. So for that reason it appears humiliated in the stance
And the Lord of the Worlds humiliates it with humiliation

١١. فلذاك يظهر ذله في موقف
ويذله ربُّ الورى إذلالا

12. Like an atom that God disperses in a stance
To taste in it his disgrace and torment

١٢. كالذر ينشرُه الإله بموقفٍ
ليذوقَ فيه خزيه ونكالا

13. When its full moon was arrogant in its essence
The small ones caught up with it, so it became a crescent

١٣. لما تكبّر بدرُه في ذاته
لحق الصَّغارُ به فعاد هلالا

14. Rather, the Truth removed its light from it
Obliterating it, so ruin was its affliction in it

١٤. لا بل أزال الحقُّ عنه ضياءَه
مَحقاً فكان المحْقُ فيه وَبالا

15. If they witnessed as I witnessed his position
They would raise their voices glorifying him

١٥. لو يشهدون كما شهدت مقامه
رفعوا له أصواتهم إهلالا

16. And what they saw would benefit them as testimony
And closeness in his heart and intimacy

١٦. وأفادهم ما قد رأوه شهادة
وتربة في قلبه ونوالا

17. The shining full moon does not witness a crescent
Except eyes that saw it complete

١٧. لا يشهد البدرَ المنير هلالا
إلا عيونٌ أبصرَته كمالا

18. When it appeared to the eye behind its veil
I was the veil for it, so I was blocking

١٨. لما بدا للعينِ خلفَ حجابه
كنت الحجابَ له فكنت حجالا

19. And saw the one I witnessed of wisdom
In veiling from whoever he wished, so he was successful

١٩. ورأى الذي عاينته من حكمة
في ستره عمن يريد فشالا

20. So we can see him without doubting he is
His essence, so the veil came off

٢٠. لنراه حتى لا نشك بأنه
هو عينه فأتى الحجاب زوالا

21. So I learned that the matter cannot be separated from
Veiling upon him, and that was shadows

٢١. فعلمتُ أنَّ الأمر لا ينفك عن
ستر عليه وكان ذاك ظِلالا

22. The Throne is God's shadow in His dominion
And thus His messengers came as messengers

٢٢. العرشُ ظلُّ الله في ملكوته
وبذا أتت أرساله أرسالا

23. Those who were confused in His essence strayed
Strangely marveling at that and dragging garments

٢٣. تاه الذين تحيَّروا في ذاته
عجباً بذاك وجرّروا الأذيالا

24. And sanctified what was sanctified to them
And their sanctification brought them reverence

٢٤. وتقدَّسوا لما تقدس عندهم
وأنالهم تقديسهم إجلالا

25. The people did not revere anything but their souls
In His eyes, Glorified and Exalted is He

٢٥. ما عظم الأقوام غير نفوسهم
في عينه سبحانه وتعالى

26. When I learned that I was confused
Among us and Him, I did not repeat words

٢٦. لما علمت بأنني متحيِّر
فينا وفيه ما رددت مقالا

27. And I learned that incapacity is the pinnacle of our knowledge
Of His existence, Glorified and Exalted is He

٢٧. وعلمتُ أن العجزَ غايةٌ علمنا
بوجودِه سبحانه وتعالى

28. So monotheist, polytheist, negator
And resembler and transcender boast

٢٨. فموحد ومشرك ومعطِّل
ومشبِّه ومنزِّه يتغالى

29. Until he denies what he says about himself
About himself and rejects it as misguidance

٢٩. حتى يكذبَ ما يقولُ بنفسه
عن نفسِه ويردَّه إضلالا

30. I used to think that in our thoughts
Is the essence of salvation for those who wanted intimacy

٣٠. قد كنتُ أحسب أنَّ في أفكارنا
عين النجاةِ لمن أراد وصالا

31. Until I read His Scripture and His words
About Himself in His use of parables

٣١. حتى قرأتُ كتابه وحديثه
عن نفسه في ضربه الأمثالا

32. So I knew that truth is in faith not
In reason but I saw that rationally

٣٢. فعلمت أن الحقَّ في الإيمان لا
في العقل بل عاينت ذاك عقالا

33. In the verse of consultation, our minds are confused
And the dawns persist and the late nights

٣٣. في آية الشورى تحارُ عقولُنا
وتواصل الأسحار والآصالا

34. If you are passionate about seeing His essence
Cut off to Him obstructing ropes and sands

٣٤. إن كنتَ مشغوفاً برؤية ذاته
فاقطع إليه سباسباً ورمالا

35. Until you see Him, and you do not see Him with your eye
Indeed, transcendence distances forms

٣٥. حتى تراه وما تراه بعينه
إن التنزبه يباعد الأشكالا

36. As the one who came with the text of Scripture
In its recitation of Al-Anfal

٣٦. مثل الذي جاء الكتابُ بنصه
في رميه بتلاوتي الأنفالا

37. Indeed, the intelligent one rivals in qualifying whom
Is like him and humbles the champions

٣٧. إن اللبيبَ يحاز في تكييف من
هو مثله وينازلُ الأبطالا

38. God has a house in Hejaz prohibited
Man cannot enter it while in a state of ritual purity

٣٨. لله بيتٌ بالحجاز محرَّمٌ
لا يدخل الإنسانُ فيه حلالا

39. I did not see a likeness for Him, when I actualized Him
Truly, certainly, among the houses as an example

٣٩. ما إن رأيتُ له إذا حققته
حقاً يقيناً في البيوتِ مثالا

40. The Merciful permitted pilgrimage to it
So go to it as riders and walkers

٤٠. قد أذنَ الرحمن فيه بحجه
فاتوه رُكباناً به ورجالا

41. A lofty house of high status preceding
The enclosure has become lowly compared to it

٤١. بيت رفيع بالمكانةِ سابقٌ
أضحى له البيتُ الضراحُ سَفالا

42. It is for entering, and it is circumambulated in its essence
Like the Throne its value became transcendent

٤٢. هو للدخول وذا يُطاف بذاته
كالعرشِ أصبحَ قدره يتعالى

43. And the heart is nobler than it in His kingdom
The King of existence and attained its virtues

٤٣. والقلبُ أشرف منه في ملكوته
ملك الوجود وحازَه أفضالا

44. If not for the heart's vastness, He who
The heavens narrowed around would not fit

٤٤. لولا اتساعُ القلبِ ما وسع الذي
ضاقَ السما عنه فأصبح آلا

45. In the best spot of the land of our existence
And thus He referred to it without and with Bilal

٤٥. بالقيعة المثلى من أرضِ وجودِنا
ولذا كنى عنه بلا وبلالا

46. Nothing resembles it, so I found it
In absence erected for you as a statue

٤٦. لا شيءَ يشبهه لذاك وجدته
في الفقدِ منصوباً لكم تمثالا

47. And the Merciful sufficed you regarding it as your account
In speech and covenant, favor and deed

٤٧. وفاكم الرحمن فيه حسابكم
قولاً وعقداً منةً وفعالا

48. One who said it uproots kidneys and severs limbs does not pay attention
It was protected, and its existence was for its place

٤٨. لا يلتفتُ من قال فيه إنه
يفري الكلى ويقطع الأوصالا

49. And for that reason it carries your burdens
If not for my existence, I would not have known His existence

٤٩. بالحفظ كان وجودُه لمكانه
ولذاك يحمل عنكم الأثقالا

50. And for that reason I was planning His nonexistence
Whoever searched for Him planned my assassination

٥٠. لولا وجودي ما عرفت وجوده
ولذاك كنتُ لكونه مغتالا

51. For the search is for me and elevation is for Him now
I pretended to be deceitful and cunning toward Him for the sake of His might

٥١. من بحثه كان اغتيالي كننه
فالبحثُ لي وله علوٌّ حالا

52. Above the people
When I saw the matter magnify His worth

٥٢. أمسيت فيه لكونه ذا عزة
دون الأنام مخادعاً محتالا

53. And saw Him boast about us arrogantly
The means of deception occurred through humiliation

٥٣. لما رأيت الأمر يعظم قدرُه
ورأيته يزهو بنا مختالا

54. And I clung to it, so I increased coquetry
His humiliation, His humiliation is for our existence

٥٤. حصلت أسبابُ الخداع بذلة
وتمسكن فيه فزدت دلالا

55. So for that reason you did not gain humiliating Him
If not for the existence of His attributes in others

٥٥. إذلاله إذلاله لوجودِنا
فلذاك لم تظفر به إذلالا

56. Witnessed with the skill of what was attained
God is jealous that He be attributed

٥٦. لولا وجودُ صفاتِه في غيره
مشهودةٌ ببراعةِ ما نالا

57. So for your disbelief He said what the two said
When you became worthy of what I lowered

٥٧. إن الإله يغار أن يُلقى به
فبكفركم قال الذي قد قالا

58. You became for the great matter dependents
And the Hadith came with its coolness and meter

٥٨. لما تأهل بالذي ما زلته
أصبحت للأمر العظيم عيالا

59. So I drank water like life, pure
God is Greater than being encompassed in description

٥٩. وأتى الحديثُ بثرة وبنظمه
فشربتُ ماء كالحياةِ زُلالا

60. By creation, even if they reached the sky and attained
The people of existence altogether did not attain

٦٠. الله أعظم أنْ يحيط بوصفه
خلقٌ ولو بلغ السماءَ ونالا

61. From describing Him, Glorified and Exalted is He
Incapacity suffices them, though they reached the goal

٦١. ما ناله أهلُ الوجودِ بأسرهم
من نعته سبحانه وتعالى

62. And the deluded ignorant one is he who boasts
Do not exaggerate in the religion of Divine Law, it

٦٢. العجز يكفيهم وقد بلغوا المنى
والجاهل المغرور مَن يتغالى

63. Came in it, His prohibition and succession
The address of prohibition in our hearing

٦٣. لا تغل في دينِ الشريعةِ إنه
قد جاء فيه نهيه وتوالى

64. Until we saw its light dripping
Do not exaggerate in the religion of reality and tradition

٦٤. من خطابُ النهى في أسماعنا
حتى رأينا نورَه يتلالا

65. Regarding God, what the Exalted God said
It is the belief of the believers, so do not increase

٦٥. لا تغلُ في دينِ الحقيقةِ والنقل
في الله ما قال الإله تعالى

66. When they reached hopes in that

٦٦. فهو اعتقادُ المؤمنين فلا تزد
إذ بلغوا في ذلك الآمالا