
My mind surpasses all other minds,

عقلي به فوق عقل الناس كلهم

1. My mind surpasses all other minds,
I do not think of anything except to execute it.

١. عقلي به فوقَ عقلِ الناسِ كلهمُ
فلستُ أفكر في شيءٍ أقضيهِ

2. My actions are not from thought or reflection,
But from God who inspires me to fulfill them.

٢. تصرُّفي ليس عن فكرٍ ولا نظرٍ
لكن عن الله يوحيه فأُمضيهِ

3. The matter between me and the secret is divided,
In its own state it satisfies me and I satisfy it.

٣. الأمر بيني وبين السرِّ منقسمٌ
بحاله فهو يرضيني وأرضيه

4. Nothing happens to it before me,
That it wants to take shape except that I execute it.

٤. فما يكون له من حادثٍ قبلي
يبغي تكوّنه إلا وأقضيه

5. It cannot happen except by our governance,
And we cannot do anything except please it.

٥. فليس يمكنه إلا سياستنا
وليس يمكننا إلا ترضيه

6. Everything that is part of our status,
And everything we are part of its pleasures.

٦. فكل ما هو فيه من مكانتنا
وكلُّ ما نحن فيه من مراضيه