
I repent to Him from Him

أتوب منه إليه

1. I repent to Him from Him
For I am in His hands

١. أتوب منه إليه
لأنني في يديه

2. As one who seeks refuge in Him
From Him, the close one relies on Him

٢. كما تعوَّذ منه
به القريبُ لديه

3. Muhammad is the best of people
May God bless him

٣. محمد خيرُ شخصٍ
صلى الإله عليه

4. If I attained my desires from him
I would pluck roses of modesty and return to him from him

٤. لو نلتُ منه مُرادي
قطفتُ من وجنتيه

5. One who finds comfort in him
Attains perfection of existence

٥. ورد الحياء اعتباراً
وجئتُ منه إليه

6. As Adam did, unlike
Any other from his gardens

٦. حاز الوجودَ كمالاً
مَن كان من راحتيه

7. For me God is a full moon that appeared
From its rising place

٧. كمثلِ آدم ممن
سواه من جنتيه

8. He gave me the delight of my eye
From him and from seeing him

٨. لله بدرٌ تبدَّى
إليَّ من مطلعيه

٩. أعطان قرّة عيني
منه ومن مشهديه