
After him the secret of purity is clear

ومن بعده سر الطهارة واضح

1. After him the secret of purity is clear
To the people of wakefulness and intelligence

١. ومن بعده سرُّ الطهارة واضحٌ
يسير على أهلِ التيقظ والذَّكا

2. So how many pure ones have not been characterized by purity
When they dwelled by the eternal sea and took shelter

٢. فكم طاهرٍ لم يتَّصِف بطهارةٍ
إذا جاور البحر اللدنيّ واحتمى

3. And if they dived into the turbulent sea all their lives
And did not divert from the sea of reality however much they purified

٣. ولو غاص في البحر الأُجاج حياته
ولم يفن عن بحرِ الحقيقة ما زكا

4. When a person holds back and walks
On the white path of those who passed

٤. إذا استجمر الإنسانُ وتراً فقد مشى
على السنةِ البيضاءِ لمن مضى

5. But if he combines his holding back with returning, he loses
And leaves whom he loves from the essence of depravity

٥. فإن شفع استجمارَه عاد خاسراً
وفارق من يهواه من باطنِ الرَّدى

6. And if he washes his hands, holding back as he used to
Stingy with what he loves in the nature of the first days

٦. وإن غَسَلَ الكفين وتراً ولم يزلْ
بخيلاً بما يهوى على فطرةِ الأولى

7. So the washing of the hands of one with bloodstained and dirty hands does not count
If the sword of reliance does not cling to him, sharpened

٧. فلا غسلت كفّ خضيبٍ ومعصمٍ
إذا لم يلح سيف التوكُّل ينتضى

8. When a newborn grasps his fist
That's evidence of stinginess and hoarding, O lad

٨. إذا ولد المولود قابضُ كفِّه
فذاكَ دليلُ البخلِ والجمعِ يافتى

9. And opens them up in death, informing
Of leaving what he collected in the abode of life

٩. ويبسطها عند المماتِ مُخبراً
بترك الذي حصلت في منزل الدّنا

10. If the washing of the face is sound, his shyness is sound
And it is valid for him to lift the veils whenever he wants

١٠. إذا صح غسلُ الوجه صَحَّ حياؤه
وصحَ له رفعُ الستورِ متى يشا

11. And if water does not touch the hair of his head
Nor do his palms fall into the field of the back of his head

١١. وإن لم يمسَّ الماءُ لمةَ رأسِه
ولا وقعتْ كفاه في ساحةِ القفا

12. He is not rid of the meekness of servanthood
Which strangers fulfil in the abode of equality

١٢. فما انفكَّ من رِقِّ العبوديةِ التي
تنجزها الأغيارُ في منزلِ السّوى

13. And if he does not see the footstool in washing his feet
It contradicts the meaning of purity for the moment and disappears

١٣. وإنْ لم ير الكرسيّ في غسلِ رجله
تناقضَ معنى الطهرِ للحين وانتفى

14. When a person rinses his mouth but is not
Innocent of pretense and openly declaring what he claimed

١٤. إذا مضمض الإنسان فاه ولم يكن
بريّا من الدعوى وفتيا بما ادّعى

15. Inhaling what he smelled of his connection
And snorting which led to much depravity

١٥. ومُستنشِقٍ ما شَمَّ ريحَ اتصالِه
ومستنثرٍ أودى بكثرةِ الردى

16. His nostrils do not cease to purify hearing
To the best words, so be content and follow

١٦. صماخاه ما ينفك يطهران صغاً
إلى أحسنِ الأقوالِ واكتف واقتفى