
Not everything I'm made of

ما كل ما أنا منه

1. Not everything I'm made of
And everything I'm in

١. ما كلُّ ما أنا منه
وكلُّ ما أنا فيه

2. Satisfies anyone but a servant
Who is chosen for his secret

٢. يرضى به غيرُ عبد
لسرِّه يصطفيه

3. When he is pained by it
He is cured by his love for it

٣. إذا تألم منه
حباً به يشفيه

4. So he takes refuge in it
Hoping it will suffice him

٤. لذا تعوَّذ منه
به عسى يكفيه

5. This that I said about it
I heard from the one in it

٥. هذا الذي قلتُ عنه
سمعتُهمن فيه

6. In the state of sleep from me
About it and about its possessor

٦. في حالةِ النومِ عني
به وعن معتقيه

7. Glory be to Him
He transcends characterization

٧. سبحانه وتعالى
بنا عن التنزيه

8. So the limit in transcendence
Is like the limit in characterization

٨. فالحدُّ في التنزيه
كالحدِّ في التشبيه

9. So His limit is every limit
For creation as He is in it

٩. فحدُّه كل حدٍّ
للخلق إذ هو فيه

10. Rather He is its essence and thus
You see Him accomplish it

١٠. بل عينه ولهذا
تراه يستوفيه