
Praise be to Allah, who

الحمد لله الذي

1. Praise be to Allah, who
Has taken away our sorrow,

١. الحمد لله الذي
أذهب عنا الحزنا

2. And we continue to worship Him
Since we worshipped the idol.

٢. ولم نزل نعبده
لما عبدنا الوثنا

3. He bestowed kindness upon us and instilled
In our souls faith,

٣. فامتنَّ إحساناً ومن
نفوسِنا مكننا

4. And much good has come to
Us from His generosity and favor,

٤. وكثر الخير لدي
نا جوده والممنا

5. When there came to us a denier
Who was a slave to us,

٥. لما أتانا منكرٌ
وكان عبداً لنا

6. And he was not merciful to me
Nor good to me.

٦. ولم يكن بي راحماً
ولم يكن بي محسِنا

7. So I said to my reason to reflect
Until you see who did good.

٧. قلت لعقلي واعتبر
حتى ترى من أحسنا

8. What if God had not guided
Our righteous companions?

٨. ما لمّ غلا الله بال
برهان صحابينا

9. Then the misguided one would still be
Misleading, teaching us.

٩. فقهقر المعلون يع
دو معلماً بي معلنا

10. And here is Obaid, whom I came to
With a test, but was not tested.

١٠. وهذا عُبيد جئتُه
بفتنة ما افتتنا

11. I found him prudent,
So he did not incline or bend.

١١. وجدته ذا حذر
فما التوى ولا نى

12. I tried to mislead him,
So he could say "I".

١٢. قلبته لعلني
أضله فقل أنا

13. But he said to me, break but do not
Say "I", rather say "We".

١٣. فقال لي اكسر ولا
تقل أنا بل قل أنا

14. Accept and bear
Every good deed.

١٤. لكلِّ خيرٍ قابل
وحامل فاعلنا

15. So I did not find in him
Any defiance of the One who raised us.

١٥. فلم أجد فيه مسا
غاً للذي قامَ بنا

16. Whoever deprived him of his faith,
Returns to guidance, we guide him.

١٦. من سلبه عن دينه
فعاد رشداً غيُّنا

17. I said, "With what were you protected,
O youth, from our evil?"

١٧. قلتُ بماذا قد عُصم
تَ يا فتى من شرِّنا

18. He said to me, "The Protector
Protected me. He cared for me."

١٨. فقال لي عاصمه
به المهيمنُ اعتنى

19. Since He chose him as a master
With clear proof.

١٩. لما اصطفاه سيِّداً
ذا حجة مبرهِنا

20. He sent down to him a cloak
Of pearls when he drew near.

٢٠. دلَّى إليه رفرفاً
من درَّة لما دنا

21. And He said to me, "Be silent, O cursed one,
He is a slave to Us."

٢١. وقال لي اخسأ يا لعْي
نُ إنه عبدٌ لنا

22. Mercy came to him
From Our knowledge from Us.

٢٢. جاءت إليه رحمة
علومنا من عندنا