
He whom Allah has purified, no filth can stain him

من طهر الله لم يلحق به دنس

1. He whom Allah has purified, no filth can stain him
He is the Sanctified One, rather the essence of sanctity

١. من طهر الله لم يلحق به دنسٌ
وهو المقدَّسُ لا بل عينه القدسُ

2. Like the Household of the Messenger of Allah, our Master
He is the generous Imam, the noble, the radiant

٢. كأهل بيت رسول الله سيِّدنا
وهو الإمام الكريم السيِّد الندسُ

3. The bringer of glad tidings came with what the call to prayer had heard
He spoke a little while the people were dozing off

٣. جاء البشير بما الآذانُ قد سمعت
ألقى قليلا وجلَّ القوم قد نعسوا

4. They slept not caring about the truth, rather about themselves
When favors come, people are seldom stingy

٤. ناموا عن الحقِّ لا بل عن نفوسهمُ
عند المواهبِ والأقوام ما بخسوا

5. When he realized that sleep had overcome them
He appointed guards and sentinels for that reason

٥. لما تحقق أنَّ النومَ حاكمهم
من أجل ذا جعل الحفاظُ والحرس

6. For that reason the good news came and they had
Due to their sleep, protection that erased

٦. من أجل ذا كانتِ البشرى وكان لهم
من أجل نومهمُ حفظا لهم مس

7. So when they were protected from every incident
That could befall the likes of them, they got up and did not sit

٧. فعندما عصموا من كلِّ حادثةٍ
تصيبُ أمثالهم قاموا وما جلسوا

8. By the right of their Master at all times
With clarity, loyal, and free of doubt

٨. بحقِّ سيدهم في كلِّ آونة
على الصفاءِ وما خانوا وما لبسوا

9. Knowing their own souls, they did not steal
A glimpse of the scene of realization

٩. على نفوسهمُ علما بحالهمُ
لذاك عن مشهد التحقيقِ ما اختلسوا

10. The being whose desire was hard to attain
In it and its like, souls prey

١٠. إنَّ الوجودَ الذي قد عز مطلبه
فيه وفي مثله الأرواح تفترس

11. At night the horses raided their troops
It was said they were killed when it was said they won

١١. أغارتِ الخيلُ ليلا في عساكرهم
فقيل قد قتلوا إذ قيلَ قد كسبوا

12. If only they knew what they were ignorant of
They would not have bowed their heads, by Allah

١٢. لو أنهم علموا الأمر الذي جهلوا
على رؤوسهم والله ما نكسوا

13. I say words without objection
That relieve the soul of what saddened it

١٣. أقول قولاً وما في القول من حرج
ينفي عن النفس ما أغمها النفس

14. Moses did not attain with what he desired of revelation
Except what he attained for its sake from the Merciful

١٤. ما نال موسى بما يبغيه من قبس
إلا الذي ناله من أجله القبس

15. If the people of generous existence had attained
What Moses attained from the Merciful, they would not have been miserable

١٥. لو أن أهل وجودِ الجودِ نالهمُ
ما نال موسى من الرحمن ما بئسوا

16. But they were miserable because of that and relied
On their assumptions about generosity when they despaired

١٦. لكنهم بئسوا من ذاك واعتمدوا
على ظنونهمُ بالجود إذ يئسوا

17. I saw a youth who was given victories
In the land of Andalus, water and dress

١٧. إني رأيتُ فتى أعطى الفتوح له
بأرضِ أندلس الماءَ والبلس

18. But he had no eloquence to speak with
Silence and muteness had power over him

١٨. ولم يكن عنده نطق يقوم به
وقد تحكم فيه الصمتُ والخرس

19. Like Mary whose sustenance was meager
He seeks comforts while living in hardship

١٩. كمثلِ مريمَ قد كانت شجيته
في رِزقه فهو في الراحاتِ يلتمس

20. That is most amazing, for he has
The state of wealth while amongst people in misery

٢٠. وذاك من أعجبِ الأحوال إنَّ له
حالَ الغنى وهو بين الناس مبتئس

21. The states of one compliant to God's command
Grasping the light, illuminated

٢١. أحوالُ شخصٍ لأمر الله ممتثلٌ
للحكم مقتنصٌ للنورِ مقتبس

22. The Imam by whom matters proceed
Is immersed in every stream of states

٢٢. إنَّ الإمام الذي تجري الأمور به
في كلِّ نهرٍ من الأحوالِ ينغمس

23. The secret rules him, rather it rules him
In himself, and by it the masters were intimate

٢٣. والسرُّ يحكمه لا بل يحكمه
في نفسه وبه الساداتُ قد أنسوا

24. They have no footing but in his presence
Nothing of them remains by his side

٢٤. فما لهم قدم في غيرِ حضرته
وما لجانبه منهم فمندرس

25. They are the perplexed drunkards in their love
Having no hopes in the side of Truth

٢٥. هم الحيارى السكارى في محارتهم
وما لهم في جناب الحقِّ ملتمس

26. The state made them oblivious of it and they did not know
Who they were, so it was said today they sighed

٢٦. الحالُ أفناهمُ عنهم وما عرفوا
من هم لذلك قيل اليوم قد نفسوا

27. If only they had torn themselves from everything good
That was theirs with him, they would not have slipped

٢٧. لو أنهم مزقوا منهم وما لهمُ
لديه من كلِّ خير فيه ما انتكسوا

28. The essence confuses what names clarify
The people did not study knowledge or examine

٢٨. الذاتُ تبهم ما الأسماء توضحه
والقومُ ما قرأوا علماً وما درسوا

29. Upon them were garments of the Most High
Evil is what they took off and what they wore from it

٢٩. كانت عليهم من أثوابِ العلى حللٌ
فبِئسَ ما خلعوا ومنِهمَ ما لبسوا

30. I entered the Garden of Eden to see a trace
I was told their paradise was none but what they planted

٣٠. دخلتُ جنةَ عدنٍ كي أرى اثرا
فقيل ليس جناهم غير ما غرسوا