1. Without the existence of the Lord, our eyes would not have been
And without the existence of the servant, the Lord would not have been known
١. ولولا وجودُ الربِّ لم تكن عيننا
ولولا وجودُ العبدِ ما عُرف الرب
2. At times the body and heart are together
And at times the body and the Lord are the heart
٢. فوقتا يكون الجسم والقلبُ انتم
ووقتا يكون الجسمُ والسيِّد القلبُ
3. Our sum is a person, for that purpose He brought him
And named him a person sent from the Most Near
٣. فمجموعنا شخصٌ لذاك أتى به
وسمَّاه شخصاً مرسَلا من له القرب
4. I am an image from an image that did not create me
And had it created me, wonder would have seized me
٤. أنا صورةٌ من صورةٍ لم تقم بنا
ولو أنها قامتْ لأدركني العجبُ
5. I am the secret of His transience and the secret of His permanence
As He is to me a crown, and in my forearm a heart
٥. أنا سرُّه الفاني وسرُّ بقائه
كما هو لي تاجٌ وفي ساعدي قلبُ
6. I was tasked with one who knows Him, for He was my lover
And revealed my love, the fame of love, not love
٦. كلفتُ بمن يدريه إذ كان عاشقي
وأظهر عشقي شهرةَ الحبِّ لا الحب
7. Thus my master said to me in whispered words and increased me
That through it I am the slain and through it the enamored endures
٧. كذا قال شيخي لي شفاها وزادني
بأني بها المقتولُ والواله الصَّبُّ