1. The state of youth and vigor
Reminds me of a talk we had
١. يُذَكِّرُني حالُ الشَبيبَةِ وَالشَرخِ
حَديثاً لَنا بَينَ الحَديثَةِ وَالكَرخِ
2. Between modernity and decay
I found in it fifty arguments
٢. فَقَلَّت لِنَفسي فيهِ خَمسينَ حِجَّةً
وَقَد صِرتُ مِن طولِ التَفَكُّرِ كَالفَرخِ
3. And from too much thinking became like a chick
The streets of Sal' and Hajir
٣. تُذَكِّرُني أَكنافَ سَلعٍ وَحاجِرٍ
وَتَذكُرُ لي حالَ الشَبيبَةِ وَالشَرخِ
4. Remind me of the state of youth and vigor
And the market of mounts, at times helpful, at times blaming
٤. وَسَوقَ المَطايا مُنجِداً ثُمَّ مُتهِماً
وَقَدحي لَها نارَ القِفارِ مَعَ المَرخِ