
He saw the lightning flash in the east, so he leaned towards the east

رأى البرق شرقيا فحن إلى الشرق

1. He saw the lightning flash in the east, so he leaned towards the east
And had it shone in the west, he would have leaned towards the west

١. رَأى البَرقَ شَرقِيّاً فَحَنَّ إِلى الشَرقِ
وَلَو لاحَ غَربِيّاً لَحَنَّ إِلى الغَربِ

2. For my passion is for lightning and its gleam
Not for places and dust

٢. فَإِنَّ غَرامي بِالبُرَيقِ وَلَمحِهِ
وَلَيسَ غَرامي بِالأَماكِنِ وَالتُربِ

3. The morning breeze narrated to them indirectly
Of ecstasy, of my love, of my sorrow, of my distress

٣. رَوَتهُ الصَبا عَنهُم حَديثاً مُعَنعناً
عَنِ البَثِّ عَن وَجدي عَنِ الحُزنِ عِن كَربي

4. Of intoxication, of my reason, of yearning, of my bosom
Of tears, of my eyelids, of fire, of my heart

٤. عَنِ السُكرِ عَن عَقلي عَنِ الشَوقِ عَن جَوىً
عَنِ الدَمعِ عَن جَفني عَنِ النارِ عَن قَلبي

5. That the one whom you love in your chest
The breaths turn him over from side to side

٥. بِأَنَّ الَّذي تَهواهُ بَينَ ضُلوعِكُم
تُقَلِّبُهُ الأَنفاسُ جَنباً إِلى جَنبِ

6. So I told her, convey to him that
He is the one who lit the fire inside my heart

٦. فَقُلتُ لَها بَلِّغ إِليهِ بِأَنَّهُ
هُوَ الموقِدُ النارِ الَّتي داخِلَ القَلبِ

7. If it is extinguishing, then it is an eternal connection
And if it is burning, then the morning breeze is not to blame

٧. فَإِن كانَ إِطفاءٌ فَوَصلٌ مُخَلَّدٌ
وَإِن كانَ إِحراقٌ فَلا ذَنبَ لِلصَبِّ