1. All people are enemies of what they are ignorant of.
In the doctrine of the Ash'aris opposed to them,
١. الناسُ كلهمو أعداءُ ما جهلوا
في مذهب الأشعريين بضدّهم
2. In it and what they mentioned in their definitions,
For them and others comes the opposite.
٢. فيه بما ذكروه في حدودهمُ
لهم وغيرهمُ يأتي بضدهم
3. And it is the correct that they chose and relied upon.
Look to my doctrine and theirs.
٣. وهو الصحيح الذي اختاروه فاعتمدوا
عليه وانظر إلى عقدي وعقدهم