1. Glorify your God for God is Great
And creation, though you belittle it, is great
١. كبِّر إلهك فالإله كبير
والخلق إن حقرته فكبيرُ
2. And that's why it came in the pattern 'af'al' so take heed
In the word 'akbar' for the occasion is momentous
٢. ولذاك جاء بوزن أفعل فاعتبر
في لفظ أكبر فالمقامُ خطير
3. Do not belittle people for their station is
Exalted, and due esteem and honor
٣. لا تحقرنَّ الخلقَ إن مقامه الت
عظيم والتعزيز والتوقيرُ
4. For they are proof of their Maker's essence
So to Him belong conception and depiction
٤. فهو الدليل على مكوّن ذاته
فله التصوُّر ما له التصوير
5. And when you mention God, profess His Oneness
For its stance is oneness, though multiplicity belongs to it
٥. فإذا ذكرت الله وحِّد ذاته
فمقامها التوحيد ولها التكثير
6. And belongs to the multiplication of attributes attached to Him
He is One though abundant
٦. ولتكثير النسب التي ثبتت له
فهو الوحيد وإنه لكثير
7. He is the willful of our existence from His essence
And when He wills our existence, He is Able
٧. فهو المريد وجودنا من عينه
وإذا أراد وجودنا فقدير
8. He is the Speaker, the One who converses with His servant
At the Mount amidst the flames, and He is the Light
٨. وهو المكلم والمناجي عبدَه
بالطورِ في النيران وهو النور
9. He is the Hearer, the Seer of His creation
He is the Knower, the Expert of what you know
٩. وهو السميعُ هو البصيرُ بخلقه
وهو العليم بما علمتَ خبير
10. I saw my poem as a fine robe
In it, youthful features, its embroidery and silk
١٠. إني رأيت قصيدتي ديباجةً
فيها نُضارٌ رقمُها وحرير
11. I began it with His Names and Attributes
For through every aspect, they are manifest
١١. أوّلتها أسماءه ونعوته
فلها على كلِّ الوجوهِ ظهورِ