
Stand by the abandoned abodes at Al-Lal'a

قف بالطلول الدارسات بلعلع

1. Stand by the abandoned abodes at Al-Lal'a
And mourn our loved ones in that Al-Balqa'

١. قِف بِالطَلولِ الدارِساتِ بِلَعلَعِ
وَاِندُب أَحِبَّتَنا بِذاكَ البَلقَعِ

2. Stand by the dwellings and converse with them amazed
At their elegance and fine tenderness in grief

٢. قِف بِالدِيارِ وَناجِها مُتَعَجِّباً
مِنها بِحُسنِ تَلَطُّفٍ بِتَفَجُّعِ

3. My days with the like of you near your dunes, plucking
The fruits of cheeks and a meadow's choicest roses

٣. عَهدي بِمِثلي عِندَ بانِكَ قاطِفاً
ثَمَرَ الخُدودِ وَوَردَ رَوضٍ أَينَعِ

4. May those who hope for your rains be watered
Your lightning illuminated none but me

٤. كُلَّ الَّذي يَرجو نَوالَكَ أُمطِروا
ما كانَ بَرقُكَ خُلَّباً إِلّا مَعي

5. She said "Yes, that meeting was
In the shade of my branches, at the most fertile place"

٥. قالَت نَعَم قَد كانَ ذاكَ المُلتَقى
في ظِلِّ أَفناني بِأَخصَبِ مَوضِعِ

6. For my lightning then was of smiling flashes
While today my lightning is but a slight glare

٦. إِذ كانَ بَرقي مِن بُروقِ مَباسِمٍ
وَاليَومَ بَرقي لَمعُ هذا اليَرمَعِ

7. So blame time, for we've no power
To stop it - what's the fault of Lal'a's dwellings?

٧. فَاِعتُب زَماناً ما لَنا مِن حيلَةٍ
في دَفعِهِ ما ذَنبُ مَنزِلِ لَعلَعِ

8. I pardoned her when I heard her words
Lamenting as I lament with an aching heart

٨. فَعَذَرتُها لَمّا سَمِعتُ كَلامَها
تَشكو كَما أَشكو بِقَلبٍ موجَعِ

9. And I asked her when I saw her meadows
The path of the four winds blowing

٩. وَسَأَلتُها لَمّا رَأَيتُ رُبوعَها
مَسرى الرِياحِ الذارِياتِ الأَربَعِ

10. Did the winds inform you of their resting place?
She said "Yes, they said it was at Al-Ajra'"

١٠. هَل أَخبَرَتكِ رِياحُهُم بِمَقيلِهِم
قالَت نِعمَ قالوا بِذاتِ الأَجرَعِ

11. Where the white tents rise for those
Who occupy them under those brilliant suns

١١. حَيثُ الخِيامُ البيضِ تَشرُقُ لِلَّذي
تَحويهِ مِن تِلكَ الشُموسِ الطُلَّعِ