1. The youth who upholds his Creator's right
Then the right of Allah's Messenger with devotion
١. إن الفتى من يراعي حقَّ خالقِه
وثم حقُّ رسولِ الله إيثارا
2. The gnostics see the Truth as their eyes
And they see none but the Truth's eyes as others
٢. والعارفون يرون الحقَّ عينهم
ولا يرون بعينِ الحق أغيارا
3. So they are jealous lest betrayal find its way
Into their realm from souls that were once chasms
٣. فهم يغارون أنْ يلقى بساحتهم
خيانة من نفوسٍ كنَّ أغوارا
4. They are with Allah, not for their own sakes
Thus they erected sanctuaries of transcendence
٤. فهم مع الله لا في حقِّ أنفسِهم
لذا أقاموا من التنزيه أسوارا
5. A transcendence of likening - not just transcendence
By what the Merciful granted them as news
٥. تنزيهِ تشبيهٍ لا تنزيه ليس كذا
بما أتاهم من الرحمن أخبارا
6. They relate what He said of Himself so when
They relate it, they are His troops and helpers
٦. يحكون ما قاله عن نفسِه فإذا
حكوه كانوا له جنداً وأنصارا
7. They know none but the Merciful among all
They never knew a neighbor or abode but Him
٧. لا يعرفون سوى الرحمن من أحد
لم يألفوا فيه لا داراً ولا جارا
8. Had they found anything to rival their Lord
Rivalry would have cast them into flames
٨. لو أنهم وجدوا أمراً ينازعهم
فيه لأدخلهم نزاعهم نارا
9. And none among them praised Him ever
With every art of lavish praises
٩. ولم يكن مادحٌ منهم له أبداً
بكل فنٍّ من الأمداح مِكثارا
10. They are few even when numerous
The Truth adorned them with secrets upon secrets
١٠. هم الأقلون إنْ قلوا وإنْ كثروا
حلاهم الحقُّ أسراراً وأسراراً