1. O you who dwell in the valley,
Along the banks of the Tigris in Baghdad,
١. أَلا يا بانَةَ الوادي
بِشاطي نَهرِ بَغدادِ
2. You have stirred passion within me,
An ecstasy above passion.
٢. شَجاني فيكِ مَيّادٌ
طَروبٌ فَوقَ مَيّادِ
3. Your murmuring reminds me
Of the murmuring of the lady of the house,
٣. يُذَكِّرُني تَرَنُّمُهُ
تَرَنُّمَ رَبَّةِ النادي
4. When her likeness comes to mind,
Do not mention my brother al-Hadi.
٤. إِذا اِستَوَت مَثالِثُها
فَلا تَذكُر أَخا الهادي
5. And if she sings with her melody,
It is like the wailing of the bereaved one.
٥. وَإِن جادَت بِنَغمَتِها
فَمِن أَنجِشَةِ الحادي
6. With the one full of grievances against Salma,
Now on the right, then on the left.
٦. بِذي الخَصَماتِ مِن سَلمى
يَميناً ثُمَّ سِندادِ
7. Indeed I have become enamored
With she who dwelt among the steeds.
٧. لَقَد أَصبَحتُ مَشغوفاً
بِمَن سَكَنَت بِأَجيادِ
8. We were wrong, she dwelt
Among the black sheep.
٨. غَلِطنا إِنَّما سَكَنَت
سُوَيدا خِلبِ أَكبادِ
9. Beauty itself has gone astray through her,
And the musk and the bereaved one smell her scent.
٩. لَقَد تاهَ الجَمالُ بِها
وَفاحَ المِسكُ وَالحادي