
Praise be to Allah who has made

الحمد لله الذي صيرا

1. Praise be to Allah who has made
Our existence manifest His action

١. الحمدُ لله الذي صيرّا
وجودَنا لفعله مظهرا

2. If we knew our spirits
In the morning when it dawned

٢. لو أننا نعلمُ أرواحنا
بالوجه في الصبح إذا أسفر

3. As we knew the bodies
Whose eyes the night veiled when it faded

٣. كما علمنا بالجسوم التي
عينها الليلُ إذا أدبر

4. We would know our entities by it
But we concealed them due to a passing matter

٤. كنا به نعلم أعياننا
لكن جلناها لأمر طرا

5. From the darkness of temperament and its mixtures
So the night grew dark and did not become illuminated

٥. من ظلمةِ الطبع وأخلاطِه
فاعتم الليلُ وما أقمرا

6. And clothed the stars with their lights
When it saw their army readiness

٦. وألبس الأنجم أنوارها
لما رأى عسكرها شمّرا

7. When they pelted with stoning the spirits of those
Who eavesdrop as He informed

٧. حينَ رَمَت بالرجمِ أرواح مَن
يسترقِ السمعَ كما أخبرا

8. Look at the earth and its bounties
And what the Merciful has manifested in it

٨. انظر إلى الأرضِ وخيراتها
وما بها الرحمن قد أظهرا

9. Its civilization must become
Like the civilization of Al-Qura Valley

٩. لابدَّ أنْ يصبح عمرانُها
كمثلِ ما أصبح وادي القرى

10. Its palaces are empty when
The people did not change its wrongs in it

١٠. عروشها خاويةٌ حين لم
يغيرِ الناسُ بها المنكرا

11. The affliction of Allah encompassed its inhabitants
So He destroyed the coming and the going

١١. عمَّ بلاءُ الله سكَّانها
فأهلكَ المقبلَ والمُدبرا

12. With this the unequivocal text came to us from Him
In the decisive Quran thus inscribed

١٢. بذا أتانا النصُّ من عنده
في محكم الذكر كذا سطرا

13. So He said in it, "And fear discord"
And completed the saying depicting it

١٣. فقال فيه واتّقوا فتنة
وتمم القولَ به منظرا

14. Glory to Him who informed us that He
Was most capable of seizing us

١٤. سبحان مَن أخبرنا أنه
كان على الأخذ بنا أقدرا

15. This which I came with is clear
In Surat Al-Anfal it was well documented

١٥. هذا الذي جئت به واضحٌ
في سورةِ الأنفال قد حُرِّرا

16. And attributes its ideas
To an Imam who has no counterpart

١٦. ويعد ذا ترجع أفكارها
إلى إمامٍ ما له من ورا

17. No action in the world except for Him
For what you called wrong is His decree, not entity

١٧. لا فعلَ في العالم إلا له
فإنَّ ما سميتَه مُنكرا

18. So take my saying as advice until you see
With it, and if you wish with our entities

١٨. فحكمه ذلك لا عينه
فلتعتبر قولي حتى ترى

19. To witness the names and the attendants
The matter will appear to you from its elucidation

١٩. به وإن شئت بأعياننا
لتشهد الأسماء والمحضرا

20. As it appeared to the one who informed of it
Like the Messenger of Allah in his time

٢٠. يبدو إليك الأمر من فصِّه
كما بدا لمنْ به أخبرا

21. And the chosen heir among mankind
So praise be to Allah who has protected

٢١. مثل رسولِ الله في وقته
والوارثِ المختار بين الورى

22. From the evil of what can be warned of
If not for a preceding scripture in you

٢٢. فالحمد لله الذي قد وقى
من شرِّ ما يمكن أن يُحذرا

23. You would have discarded for your wrongdoing in wastelands
What the Merciful legislated of His remembrances

٢٣. لولا كتابٌ سابقٌ فيكم
نبذتم لفِعلكم بالعَرا

24. Except so they protect you like handholds
For they are the safest thing to take refuge with

٢٤. ما شرعَ الرحمن أذكاره
إلا لكي تعصمَكم كالعُرى

25. For what the Merciful predetermined
Seek refuge in Him through them, emulating

٢٥. لأنها أعصم ما يُتقى
لما بدا الرحمن قد قَدرا

26. A master who knows what He decreed
Whoever knows the truth and its secrets

٢٦. تعوّذوا منه به أسوةً
بسيِّدٍ يعلم ما قرَّرا

27. Will be a manifester of what I came with
Whoever has not seen the truth with its lights

٢٧. من يعرفِ الحقَّ وأسرارَه
يكن لما جئت به مُظهرا

28. Will denounce what I mention
Blindness cannot perceive our sights

٢٨. من لم يرى الحقَّ بأنوارِه
يكن لما أذكره منكِرا

29. Except darkness, which is something seen
And does not know what I have said

٢٩. العمى لاتدرِك أبصارنا
إلا ظلاماً وهي شيءٌ يُرى

30. Except one who in absence has journeyed
So the absent is not realized by the absent

٣٠. وليس يدري بالذي قلته
إلا الذي في غيبة قد سرى

31. Except one who in his absence attended
I have clarified a matter not known

٣١. فالغيب لا يدركه غائبٌ
إلا الذي في غيبه أحضرا

32. Except by one in whose affair it passed
Or a master privileged with his secrets

٣٢. أوضحتُ أمراً ليس يدري به
إلا الذي في شأنه قد جرى

33. Like an Imam whose self has realized
Flowing effortlessly to his essence

٣٣. او سيِّد خص بأسراره
مثل إمام نفسُه قد درى

34. Not knowing regression or going back
Not like the creeping in its creeping

٣٤. يسري به قُدماً إلى ذاته
لا يعرف الخلفَ ولا القَهقَرى

35. But like the full moon that shone
Revealing the sun's essence within himself

٣٥. ما هو كالخنس في سيرها
بل هو كالبدرِ الذي أزهرا

36. And he is aware of what he is for the one who saw clearly

٣٦. أظهر عينَ الشمسِ في ذاته
وهو على ما هو لمن أبصرا