1. I sought refuge in myself from myself, for in us
There is light with the soul, and darkness with the body.
١. إني تعوذت بي مني فإن لنا
النورَ بالروحِ والإظلامَ بالجسدِ
2. And I will remain thus as long as our dwelling is
So if I moved away from family and country
٢. ولا أزال كذا ما دام مسكننا
فلو ترحلت عن أهلٍ وعن بلد
3. I would find in it a light without darkness
That would suffice instead of family, wealth and children
٣. وجدتُ فيه ضياءً لا ظلامَ به
يغني عن الأهل والأموالِ والولدِ
4. But it has a shadow - that shadow is our comfort
In the form of the body, not in the form of the corpse
٤. لكنَّ له الظلُّ ذاكَ الظلُّ راحتنا
في صورةِ الجسمِ لا في صورةِ الجسد
5. Purifying the eye from the effect of what
Nature has revealed in the pillars of extension
٥. منزه العينِ من تأثير ما ظهرتْ
به الطبيعةُ في الأركانِ من مَدَد
6. I have purity through it as long as I inhabit it
And dwelling in it does not end in a term
٦. لي النقاء بها ما دمتُ أسكنُها
واللبثُ لا ينتهي فيها إلى أمَد
7. If there were in it no good and no calm
Except being rid of the provoker of envy
٧. لو لم يكن فيه من خيرٍ ومن دَعةٍ
إلا تخلصنا من باعثِ الحَسَدِ