
The heart is the home of whoever other than Him has made it his,

القلب منزل من سواه واتخذه

1. The heart is the home of whoever other than Him has made it his,
And adopted it as a house in which to manifest generosity and wealth he has rejected.

١. القلبُ منزلُ من سواه واتخذه
بيتاً يكون به جوداً ومال نبذه

2. How could he reject it when the Truth dwells within it?
For indeed hearts are the refuge of the people of falsehood.

٢. وكيفَ ينبذه والحق يسكنُه
إذا قلوبٌ لأهل الزور منتبذه

3. Verily those hearts adorned with knowledge
Are the hearts that have made the Truth their refuge.

٣. إنَّ القلوبَ التي بالعلمِ زينها
هي القلوب التي للحق متخذه

4. So every heart aloof from its passions
And locked away from them is a heart that desire has made its home.

٤. فكل قلب تعالى عنه أكنته
وقفله فهو قلبٌ للهوى اتخذه

5. He has chosen it for what we have said has made it flourish
And from anything other than Him among the states of blindness He has delivered it.

٥. قد اصطفاه لما قلناه عامره
وعن سواه من أحوال العمى انتبذه

6. So if an arrow from His quiver He should shoot at it,
He would aim at blindness but hit the eye He has saved.

٦. فلو رماه بسهمٍ من رمايته
رام العمى وأصاب العين ما نقذه