1. When I saw the universe rising and falling,
And between them the divine command descending,
١. ولما رأيت الكونَ يعلو ويسفلُ
وبينهما الأمر الإلهي ينزلُ
2. I knew that truth is a fortress in which
He articulated the two worlds perfectly.
٢. علمتُ بأنَّ الحقَّ سورٌ وإنه
لما ضمن الكونين فيه مفصلُ
3. He manages an order from the sky and the earth,
And their signs to the two worlds He distinguishes clearly.
٣. يدّبر أمراً من سماءٍ وأرضها
وآياتُها للعالمين يفصلُ
4. That order ascends seeking judgment,
So He judges among them as He wills and separates distinctly.
٤. ويعرجُ ذاك الأمر للفصل طالباً
فيعدلُ فيهم ما يشاءُ ويفصل
5. Had His justice stood among them for ten hours,
A sword from Allah would have destroyed them sharply.
٥. ولو قامَ فيهم عدلُه عشر ساعة
لأهلكهم سيفٌ من الله فَيصل
6. But He is the spirit of forgiveness, the Ruler,
So He judges them with the judgment of One who is oblivious.
٦. ولكنه روحُ التجاوز حاكمٌ
فيحكم فيهم حُكم مَن هو يغفل
7. His neglect of them is His patience over their offenses,
And were He to investigate them closely, they would tremble and quake.
٧. فإهماله إمهاله عن مُصابه
ولو حقق التفتيش عنهم لزلزلوا
8. The reason for this matter is that there is no doer
Other than Him, and that the Truth acts with the Truth.
٨. وعلة هذا الأمرِ أنْ ليس فاعلٌ
سواه وأنَّ الحقَّ بالحقِّ يفعل
9. So whatever was of praise, the Truth is realized,
And whatever was of blame, the Truth is justified.
٩. فما كان من حمدٍ فحقُّ محقق
وما كان من ذمٍّ فحقٌ معللُ
10. And there is none but the Truth, there is nothing other than it,
Yet they said, one who realizes and one who nullifies.
١٠. وما ثَم إلاَّ الحقُّ ما ثَم غيره
ولكنهم قالوا محققٌ ومُبطلُ
11. The Messenger of Allah says: "O Lord, so judge between them
With that Truth which You used to send down."
١١. يقولُ رسولُ الله يا رب فاحكمن
بذلكم الحق الذي كنتَ ترسل
12. And the reason for this is that they rejected what
His messages brought them, and argued fallaciously.
١٢. وعلة هذا أنهم جحدوا الذي
أتتهم به أرساله وتعللوا
13. So it increased them in delusion, sorrow, and regret,
Through that which they wrongly thought was an argument.
١٣. فزادهم وهماً وغماً وحسرةً
خلالَ الذي ظنوه ذاك التعلل
14. For had they not denied them and believed their words about them,
They would have been first to attain salvation.
١٤. فلو أنهم لم يكذبوهم وصدَّقوا
مقالتهم فيهم لكانوا به أوَّلوا
15. For confessing has its position right next
To the side of the generous pardon that rushes forth.
١٥. نجاةٍ فإن الاعترافَ مقامه
إلى جانب العفو الكريم يهرولُ
16. You have judged regarding their state - their heedlessness -
For were it not for the existence of pardon, You would not neglect.
١٦. لقد حكمتَ في حالهم غفلاتهم
فلولا وجودُ العفو لم تك تهمل
17. So O Lord, pardon! For hope is certain,
And this is what I have not ceased to ask of You.
١٧. فيا رب عفواً فالرجاء محققٌ
وهذا الذي ما زلتَ مني تسأل