
He sees the truth of my deeds with his all-seeing vision

يرى الحق أعمالي بما هو ذو بصر

1. He sees the truth of my deeds with his all-seeing vision
While we have no knowledge or news of that

١. يرى الحق أعمالي بما هو ذو بصر
وما عندنا من ذاك علمٌ ولا خبرُ

2. And when the Law came which was singled out for guidance
We inclined toward what we said, and likewise what He ordered

٢. ولما أتى الشرعُ الذي خُص بالهدى
به نحو ما قلنا به مثل ما أمر

3. And be not of those who said of it that
It is an increase in the clarity of knowledge in the world of mankind

٣. ولا تك ممن قال فيه بأنه
مزيدُ وضوحِ العلم في عالم البشر

4. For that is a saying whose falseness is not obscure
Even if what is signified by it is what was mentioned

٤. فذلك قولٌ لا خفاءَ بنقضِه
وإنْ كان مدلولاً عليه بما ذكر