
They judged us without investigating,

حاسبونا ما دققوا

1. They judged us without investigating,
They shackled us without securing,

١. حاسبونا ما دقّقوا
قيَّدونا ما أوثقوا

2. They looked into our sins,
Then wished well and let go.

٢. نظروا في ذنوبنا
ثم منُّوا فأطلقوا

3. My thoughts and notions,
In my God, are fulfilled.

٣. إن ظني وخاطري
في إلهي محقق

4. He who died well,
Is not burnt by the fire.

٤. إن من مات محسناً
ليس بالنار يُحرقُ