1. I dressed the mother of Muhammad
In the garb of Sufism as a teacher
١. ألبستُ أمَّ محمدٍ
ثوبَ التصوُّف معلما
2. Bound by its conditions, trusting in them
In that and made firm
٢. بشروطها مستوثِقا
منها بذاك ومحكما
3. What it requires I submitted
And granted it in full submission
٣. ما يقتضيه وسلمتُ
فمنحتُها مُستسلما
4. To God for what I had done
Of the dress and fine things
٤. لله فيما قد فعلت
من اللباس ومنعما
5. For the intercession of the two qualities when
The All-Compassionate was most compassionate
٥. لشفاعة الصفتين إذ
كان المهيمن أنعما
6. With them both upon a slave girl
And they are the two who are the core
٦. بهما على مملوكةٍ
وهما اللتان هما هما
7. Creation and encompassing knowledge
Sufism took from the two of them
٧. خلقٌ وعلمٌ جامعٌ
أخذ التصوُّف عنهما
8. So praise be to God who
That was indeed from the two of them
٨. فالحمدُ لله الذي
قد كان ذلك منهما
9. And the kingdom is God's, the Exalted
The dress of a person from the two of them
٩. والملكُ لله العليِّ
لباسُ شخصٍ منهما
10. In a joyous rag
God's pen made firm
١٠. في خِرقةٍ فرحيةٍ
قَلمُ الإله قد أُحكما
11. In it symbols whose text
"The kingdom is God's" so
١١. فيها رُقومٌ نصُّها
الملك لله فما
12. I have not seen a symbol like it
In the two worlds, glittering
١٢. عاينتُ رُقماً مثله
في العالمين منمنما