
Safiya donned the robe of the poor,

لبست صفية خرقة الفقراء

1. Safiya donned the robe of the poor,
When she was adorned with the jewels of the trustees.

١. لبستْ صفيةُ خرقةَ الفقراءِ
لمّا تحلتْ حِلية الأمناءِ

2. She attained every virtue and became aloof,
From its opposite, astonishing peers.

٢. وأتتْ بكلِّ فضيلةِ وتنزَّهتْ
عن ضدّها فعلَتْ على النظراءِ

3. Her morals conversed and sanctified,
And she was characterized with the essence of names.

٣. وتكالمت أخلاقها وتقدَّست
وتخلَّقتْ بجوامعِ الأسماء

4. The souls came to her in her shrine,
She is the chaste, sister of the Virgin.

٤. جاءت لها الأرواح في محرابها
فهي البَتُول أُخيَّة العذراءِ

5. She is the mare, so she doesn’t waver in her pace,
She is serene, sister of the red camel.

٥. وهي الحَصانُ فما تزنُّ بريبته
وهي الرَّزانُ شقيقةُ الحمراءِ

6. The angels of the sky descended to give her glad tidings,
At night of attaining the inheritance of prophethood.

٦. نزلتْ تبشِّرها ملائكة السما
ليلاً بنيلِ وراثةِ النباء