
I say, as the proofs of my plight have become clear,

أقول وقد بانت شواهد علتي

1. I say, as the proofs of my plight have become clear,
That I am beloved to the Maker of my plight.

١. أقول وقد بانت شواهد علتي
بأني محبوبٌ لموجد علتي

2. So who is myself or who is identical to it?
And who are my parts and who is my whole?

٢. فمن هو نفسي أو مغاير عينها
ومن هو اجزائي ومن هو جملتي

3. When my eyes perceived the way of their existence
Through my intellect and selfhood, they were none other than my origination.

٣. إذا عاينتْ عيني سبيلَ وجودها
بفكري وذاتا لم تكن غير نشأتي

4. I say to it, "Who are you?" It said, "My speaker."
So I said, "I see two from behind both my shoulders."

٤. أقول لها من أنت قالت مكلمي
فقلت أرى ثنتين من خلف كلتي

5. It said, "And increase from what you wish, for I
Even if I'm an individual, you are the origin of my multiplicity."

٥. فقالت وكثر مما تشاء فإنني
وإن كنت فرداً أنتمُ أصل كثرتي

6. So O He who is meant in every orientation
With my face when I was an eye of my aspiration for You.

٦. فيا من هو المقصود في كلِّ وجهة
بوجهي إذا ما كنت لي عين قبلتي

7. My eyes perceived no individual divided
Into numbers except the One who is my plight.

٧. فما عاينت عيناي فرداً مقسما
إلى عدد إلا الذي هو علتي

8. He is the All and the parts, the eye of His existence.
So O You who affirm me, I am none other than You who affirm me.

٨. هو الكل والأجزاء عينُ وجودِه
فيا مثبتي بي لست غير مثبتي

9. I became confused about a matter of dividing the One.
So where is my existence? Tell me, or where is my oneness?

٩. لقد حرتُ في أمر تقسم واحداً
فأين وجودي قل لي أم أينَ وحدتي

10. O You who sees my knot and the confusion of my mind
And hastens to unravel the knotting of my plight!

١٠. فيا من يرى عقدي وحيرة خاطري
ويسرع بالتقريب في حَلِّ عقدتي

11. I learned that I am His servant and He is my Master.
And He gave me my knowledge and originated my confusion.

١١. علمتُ بأني عبده وهو سيدي
وسلم لي علمي وأنشأ حيرتي

12. And I know that I am confused and He is free,
As He is occupied, so what a loss is my

١٢. وأعلم أني حائر وهو فارغ
كما هو في شغل فيا حسرتي التي

13. Distance from Him in the eye of witnessing His nearness!
So how good are my deeds and how evil is my doing!

١٣. تباعدني في عين قربي شهودها
فما حسن أفعالي وما سوء فعلتي

14. Indeed my soul learned of an established existence,
And through it was veiled from me, so it did not know my wisdom.

١٤. لقد علمتْ نفسي وجوداً محققاً
وغابتْ به عني فلم تدر حكمتي