
What the eye began to see

قد بدا للعين ما

1. What the eye began to see
Was revealed by fate

١. قد بدا للعين ما
أظهرَه الطالع

2. And I donned
The beauty of the idols

٢. وأرتدي
حُسن الدمى

3. In their appearance
The aspiring

٣. مظهره

4. And began
To seek what

٤. وابتدا
يطلبُ ما

5. Nature hides
Through the adornments of beautiful nights

٥. يستره

6. Every steadfast young man
During delightful nights on

٦. من خلالٍ هنَّ حلى
كلِّ فتى ثابت

7. What has passed
How much did he come

٧. في ليالٍ هنّ على
الحاصلِ الفائت

8. Seeking me
In his solitude

٨. كم أتى

9. The climber
And the young man

٩. من خلته

10. His solitude attracts me
To meet him

١٠. والفتى

11. And when
His service veils me

١١. خلته

12. And we meet
In the shadows is the state of longing

١٢. ومتى

13. Bowing away from the faded
In the beauty behind a speaking

١٣. خدمتُه

14. Or silent landmark
It began

١٤. في الظلالِ حال الطلا
يخر عن باهت

15. What the standing lifted
In his assumption

١٥. في جمال خلف ملا
ناطق أو صامت

16. And it became
When the kneeling attained it

١٦. قد بدا
ما شاله

17. In his judgment

١٧. الواقفُ
في زعمه

18. What the predecessor said
In his verse

١٨. وغدا
إذ ناله

19. Beauty is a stand on
A gazelle of steadfast construction

١٩. العاكفُ
في حكمه

20. No decline in love, no
Deviating from its steadfast pact

٢٠. مُنشداً
ما قاله

٢١. السالفُ
في نظمِه

٢٢. الجمالُ وقفٌ على
ظبي بنى ثابت

٢٣. لا زوالَ في الحبِّ لا
عن عهدِه الثابتْ