
I clothed him in the robe of Sufism

ألبسته خرقة التصوف

1. I clothed him in the robe of Sufism
Though he had no inclination towards it

١. ألبستُه خرقةَ التصوُّفِ
وما له نحوها تشوُّف

2. Since he knew the decorum
Of the times and proper etiquette

٢. لعلمه بالذي يراه
من أدبِ الوقت والتظرُّفِ

3. I clothed him after he had risen
Above the station of taking and begging

٣. ألبستَه بعدَما تعالى
عن رُتبة الأخذ والتعطُّف

4. And the universe was protected by his care
And knowledge and discipline were instilled

٤. وحَصَلَ الكونُ في حماه
وأحكم العلم والتصرُّفِ

5. So one such as this I clothed in my robe
As it was a robe of distinction

٥. فمثلُ هذا ألبست ثوبي
إذ كان ثوباً على التعرُّف