1. The Lord knows the absolute and the limited
Through Names attributed to Him and Qualities
١. الربَّ يعرفُ مُطلقاً ومقيداً
من حيث أسماءٌ له وصفاتْ
2. And if limitation were removed, He'd still be limited
By the reality of Absoluteness in Affirmation
٢. ولو انتفى التقييد كان مُقيداً
بحقيقةِ الإطلاق في الإثباتْ
3. So the Lord is the Lord of their belief in Him
And He is the One who came in the Verses
٣. فالربُّ ربُّ الاعتقاد لديهمُ
وهو الذي قد جاء في الآيات
4. So for every tenet in God there is a sign
With which He adorned Himself when He comes
٤. فلكل عقد في الإله علامة
وبها تحلى نفسه إذ ياتي
5. Until they say this is our Lord
Exalted is God from incarnating in His Essence
٥. حتى يقولوا إنَّ هذا ربنا
جلَّ الإله عن الحلولِ بذات
6. So He has attachment from the near aspect
And He is free from our being in His Essence
٦. فله من الوجه القريبِ تعلقٌ
وله الغنى عن كوننا بالذات
7. And so the ruling of correlation came between us
Between a gathered existence and disunity
٧. ولذا أتى حكم التضايف بيننا
ما بين جمع كائنٍ وشتات
8. So I saw an existent with the attribute of our existence
And I knew an existent without qualities
٨. فرأيتُ موجوداً بنعتِ وجودنا
وعرفت موجوداً بغير سماتِ