1. My father is none but He who rules
And my mother is none but She who teaches
١. ما والدي إلا الذي يحكم
وليس أمي غير من تعلم
2. Her names are the most truthful in generosity
And He is the most generous, famous, learned
٢. أصدقها الأسماء من جوده
وهو الصداق الشهر المعلم
3. He created us from the purest soul
With His generosity, our most merciful Cherisher
٣. كوّننا من نفس أنزه
بجودِه رحماننا الأكرم
4. Thus we gained wisdom
In the ideal form that He taught
٤. فمن هنا كان لنا حكمة
بالصورة المثلى التي تعلم
5. He generously granted us existence
Our God, the Preferrer, the Benefactor
٥. جاد بها جوداً على كوننا
الهنا المفضل المنعمُ
6. Make His messenger the seal of His messengers
Praise be to the Doer of Good, for those who understand
٦. صيره خاتم أرساله
حمداً على الخير لمن يفهم
7. And praising Him was not restricted
To a name, for the Knower
٧. ولم يكن في الصبر تحميده
متقيداً باسمٍ لمن يعلم
8. Yearning for the chosen father
For he is the one who called you, O Muslim
٨. تأسيا بالوالد المرتضى
فهو الذي ناداك يا مسلم
9. If he had called you O sinner
You would not have been saved from his abandonment
٩. لو أنه ناداك يا مجرم
ما كنتَ من خذلانه تعصم
10. With him, He protected you from evil, so thank Him
For the sun, stars and constellations
١٠. به وقاك الشرّ فاشكر له
فالشمسُ والأزمم والأنجم
11. Thanking Him, before the God of the heavens
Is thanking Him, with which hostility is broken
١١. فشكره عند إله السما
شكر به ظهر العدى يقصم
12. For He made them know their value
When their worshipper, the forbidden, argued with them
١٢. لأنه عرَّفها قدرها
إذ جابها عابدها المحرم
13. If he strips anything other than guidance, it is severed
And the handhold of Islam cannot be severed
١٣. إن عرى غير الهدى تُفصم
وعروة الإسلام لا تفصم
14. For since it was made a handhold
And other than it He collects when He composes
١٤. لأنها مذ كوَّنت عروى
وغيرها يجمع إذ ينظم
15. So accept the night from His essence
Returning to the origin, even if He rules
١٥. فتقبل التليل من ذاتها
رداً إلى الأصل ولو يحكم
16. One of intelligence recognizes the value of light
When its dark night comes to him
١٦. يعرف قدر النور ذو فطنة
إذا أتاه ليله المظلم