
Follow the one who was devoted

ألا فاتبع من كان عبدا مخصصا

1. Follow the one who was devoted
With strange knowledge, its taste not grasped by the experienced

١. ألا فاتبع من كان عبداً مخصصاً
بعلمٍ غريبٍ لم ينل ذوقه خبرا

2. And do not object to him in it, for he
Will mention for you about its meaning a reminder

٢. ولا تعترض فيه عليه لأنه
سيحدث في معناه منه لكم ذكرا

3. And do not be in it an opposer, for he
Despite saying to reform could not endure patience

٣. ولا تك فيه موسوياً فإنه
مع القول بالتعديل لم يستطع صبرا

4. The minds of men are shaken when they see
With their eyes from other than them, something new occurred

٤. تزحزح ألباب الرجالِ إذا رأوا
بأعينهم من غيرهم أحدثوا أمرا

5. So they deny them immediately in religion and zeal
And the followed one burdens them with the hardship of his matter

٥. فينكرهم في الحين ديناً وغيرة
فيرهقها المتبوع من أمرها عسرا

6. If he turns away from them for denying him
She stands for him from what came to him an excuse

٦. فإن عاد بالأعراض عنهم لنكرهم
تقيم له مما أتته به عذرا

7. Thus is the way of the Merciful with every follower
And his followed, so beware the cunning scholar

٧. كذا سنة الرحمن في كلِّ تابع
ومتبوعه فاحذر من العالم المكرا

8. Whoever fears God the Almighty in his state
The Merciful will make easy for him his matter

٨. فمن يتق الله العظيم بحاله
سيجعل له الرحمن من أمره يسرا

9. And whoever relies in matters on those who
Are most worthy as he knows

٩. ومن يتوكل في الأمور على الذين
يكون بها أولى كما أنه يدرى

10. And God the All-Knowing has made
For all that which He destines in His creation a decree

١٠. وقد جعل الله العليمُ بأمرِه
لكلِّ الذي يجريه في خلقه قدرا

11. I have certainly come to you with the order from your Lord
As the messengers came one after another from Him

١١. لقد جئتكم بالأمر من عند ربكم
كما جاءت الأرسال من عنده تترى

12. And I am for them regarding all I said an inheritor
And I did not seek from you praise or reward

١٢. وإني لهم في كلِّ ما قلت وارثٌ
ولم ألتمس منكم ثناءً ولا أجرا

13. And I made my reward with the Bountiful
With Him until the day we arrive, a treasure

١٣. وأجري على الله الكريم جعلته
لديه إلى يوم الورود لنا ذخرا